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Insulation for the ceiling of the bath: how to install insulation

After completing the installation of the ceiling, you should begin to warm it. Warming for the ceiling of a bathhouse It may be very diverse. Opel on a clay base, mineral insulation (mineral wool), expanded clay or just sand and earth are suitable. The thickness of the insulation layer should not be less than 15 centimeters. Remember that to produce high -quality insulation of one insulation will not be enough.

Consider the main stages of insulation installation. The insulation for the ceiling of the bath must be laid in two layers in order to achieve maximum heat conservation. On the surface of the ceiling, there should be a layer of vapor barrier attached to the frame with rails. On top of the vapor barrier, one of the types of insulation that you have previously chosen should be installed. Another layer will be waterproofing. It is superimposed on top of the insulation. It is important to know that the processing of the beams with a layer of waterproofing material is completely not required. After the final installation of each layer, fill the flooring from the rails or boards on top. It is recommended to fix them to the ceiling using nails. Prepare the panels for the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe ceiling. This is the first stage of insulation.

The second stage begins after the completion of laying all the boards. It is important to make sure that the material does not appear at the bearing beams. Place the available panels on the ceiling plane. In places of joints, the panels should be laid an additional layer of vapor barrier. Cover it with insulation again from above. The panels themselves should not be attached, they will be held with bars. To do this, it is necessary to choose a whole board that will equate the length of the bars. Using the bolts, attach it to the ceiling. The edges must be closed with auxiliary rails. If you are as close as possible to insulation technology, the result will not disappoint you.





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