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Thermal insulation of the roof with your own hands. Basic rules and recommendations for the conduct of thermal insulation work on the roof with your own hands

Planning to make the attic resident, or just decided to insulate the roof at home, but do not know where to start? Then this article is for you, because it will be about the features of the thermal insulation of the roof. We will examine in detail the most common types of insulation, highlight their advantages and disadvantages, tell how to protect the thermal insulation layer from moisture, and also compile a step -by -step instruction for the roof insulation with our own hands.

Table of contents:

  1. The main causes of the poor state of the roof
  2. The main materials for thermal insulation of the roof with your own hands
  3. Protection of the thermal insulation layer from moisture
  4. Do -it -yourself roof insulation technology
  5. Features of the insulation of the pitched roof with your own hands
  6. Features of insulation of a flat roof with your own hands

The main causes of the poor state of the roof

The poor condition of the roof is indicated by the presence of this type of defects as:

  • leaks;
  • freezing of the roof;
  • dampness on the ceilings;
  • The deterioration of the temperature regime in the house, etc.

All of the above problems arise due to improperly completed installation work, an erroneously compiled project, the use of low-quality material, as a result of improper care, as well as the lack of a ventilation clearance.

Under the influence of wind, the roofing itself can be destroyed, in which holes will begin to form, rainwater will flow into them, snow, and all this leads to the moisture content of the insulation, and the roof begins to freeze.

Many causes of the poor condition of the roofing are associated with improperly formed waterproofing. It can be poorly fixed, and if the moisture -resistant material shifts, the cracks that produce heat and let in the cold begin to form. A large mistake of the hosts is considered a lost moment with a vapor barrier of the roof. This can lead to roof deformation, and then to the emergency condition of the house.

The main materials for thermal insulation of the roof with your own hands

A number of the most popular materials that are used to warm the attic include mineral wool, polystyrene foam, expanded clay, cellulose insulation, etc. Each of these species has its advantages and disadvantages, and also differ in the installation process itself. The characteristic of some insulation is given in the table.

Basic materials for thermal insulation
Mineral wool It is very popular among consumers, as it is characterized by ease of installation and the availability of prices. With properly organized waterproofing, which is simply necessary for the material, it can last more than 20 years. Minvat has a high level of sound insulation and is resistant to the deformation process.
Foam polystyrene The thermal insulation properties of this material are superior to mineral wool. It absolutely does not absorb moisture and is considered absolutely safe, regarding ignition. Polistyle foam is simultaneously ready waterproofing, vapor barrier, thermal insulation and sound insulation of the attic, and it is also a fairly hard, durable material. The disadvantage of this material can be called its attractiveness, which is used by rodents, so experts recommend acquiring an extruded look.
Keramzit This insulation is resistant to rodents, has a long operational period. Since the basis of the material is clay, it is resistant to the decay process. Ceramzit retains its thermal insulation properties at high and low temperature conditions, does not crumble under the influence of moisture.
Pulp heater A fairly new, but demanded material in the modern market. A difficult to sprinkle, light, environmentally friendly cellulose insulation has good soundproofing qualities.


When choosing material for roof insulation, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer, it is desirable that it be known. It is equally important to ask what the advantages and disadvantages of insulation of a particular category. For example, glass water heaters are characterized by a low price, but at the same time their environmental grades wish the best. Installation work when using glass wools require strict adherence to safety measures. Poliuretan foam is known for the fact that in the course of work it does not have almost a waste, and the service life of this material is more than 30 years.

There are some rules that should be taken into account when choosing a heater, because not all of their species are suitable for one or another type of roof (attic, flat, tent, pitched). It is worth clarifying how much the material is prone to mechanical damage and what climatic conditions are more suitable for it. Good thermal insulation material should have high indicators of moisture resistance, biofirestability and steam resistance.

Protection of the thermal insulation layer from moisture

In order to provide the roof for a long and reliable operational period, you need not only to choose the right insulation, lay it correctly, but also additionally organize ventilation, vapor barrier and waterproofing, the absence of which can lead to an emergency state of the roof.

The arrangement of the waterproofing of the attic is a moment that requires special attention, since the effect of moisture is very negative and in the shortest possible time affects the state of some insulation. For hydraulic protection, either a film or a membrane is used, which prevent condensate and a variety of atmospheric precipitation on the heat -insulating layer.

Denue attention should be paid to ventilation, which depends on the type of roof, the selected type of insulation and waterproofing. It is worth paying attention to the vapor permissive properties of the moisture -proof layer, if they show a high level, then a small hole between protective materials will be enough in order to provide a high -quality ventilation system.

Do -it -yourself roof insulation technology

Many professionals and practicing home specialists speak of how to insulate the attic overlap with your own hands. In some ways, their opinions diverge, in some ways, but one thing remains general-when conducting insulation installation work, you need to rely on the type of roof. The process of thermal insulation of the roof can be performed according to two technologies - these are warmings outside and inside. Raise roofs are rarely insulated outside, but flat structures and with gentle slopes are often subjected to these actions.

The technology of thermal insulation of the roof outside passes in stages, while it is important to adhere to a layer -in -a -layer arrangement of materials.

  • At the first stage, the finished frame is covered with the basis, the role of which is performed by boards. Next, the vapor barrier of the attic floor is organized. For this purpose, a film is used, which prevents the process of condensate formation.
  • At the second stage, you need to take care of the actual insulation layer. It is not recommended to use polystyrene foam for external insulation, it is better to take polyurethane foam, which must be laid with a continuous layer from the plumb line to the ridge. Professionals recommend reducing the number of joints to a minimum to provide an outer roof for a longer operational period.
  • The third stage applies to the waterproofing layer, which is laid on top of the insulation and protects it from atmospheric precipitation. Next, the ventilation system of the attic structure is organized. For flat roofs, a drainage layer is prepared, the purpose of which consists in independent removal of rain and melt water. But it is not suitable for pitched roofs. It is appropriate to just leave the air hole in the overhang of the roof or in the skate area.

Features of roof insulation from the inside with their own hands depend on the selected material and the type of roof of the room. Professionals recommend resorting to the use of slab and roll materials. They are both reliable and simple in the laying process. We will talk about how the organization of internal thermal insulation of a flat and pitched roof is further in the article.

Pictures on request Thermal insulation of the roof with your own hands

Features of the insulation of the pitched roof with your own hands

For the thermal insulation of the pitched roof, it is best to buy a soft rolled material that is laid in two ways: between the rafters and on them. Choosing the material, for example, the most common mineral wool, it is important not to make a mistake with the width of the rolls and thickness. After all, the incorrectly selected type of insulation will cause multiple clearances in the thermal insulation layer that will lose all its properties.

By laying the insulation between the rafters, the sealing material is additionally mounted on top, and a vapor barrier layer from below. In the case when the mineral wool fits on the rafters of the room receives an additional soundproof layer. For fasteners of the heat -insulating base, either a construction stapler or thin wooden rails are used.

All layers laid down for protection against moisture, noise, cold, etc., a roofing pie is formed on the roof, when creating which you need to pay attention to the places where the ceiling with external walls converges on the pitched structure.

An important point is the choice of insulating materials, which include reinforced with a net and fabric, polyethylene and perforated films. Do not forget that they are single -layer and you need to lay them only by a certain side, otherwise you will get a negative result.

In order to save on material, many owners buy foam, sheet material that must be laid out to gaps, without gaps. As a mount in such cases, both glue and dowels are used. The joints of the thermal insulation layer must be treated and mothballed with mounting foam. The foam layer, as a rule, is vapor barrier, and then finishing work is carried out using materials such as drywall, wood or lining.

Many newcomers in this matter are interested in information on how to insulate the roof slopes with their own hands with polyurethane foam, which is called the material of the new generation. It is possible to thermal insulation of the roof with such a spraying basis only with special equipment, but it costs a lot of money. In addition, when working with this productive material, it is necessary to adhere to the instructions when mixing the components of polymers. As an addition, with polyurethane, you need to work at the optimal temperature for that, otherwise the liquid will harden poorly.

Features of insulation of a flat roof with your own hands

To create thermal insulation in buildings with a flat roof with your own hands, materials such as Ecowata and Izover are often used with your own hands. In non -residential premises, garages, this process is performed in one layer, in residential in two layers. It is recommended to purchase a heater with a kind of margin in order to fill them with the entire roofing space. It happens that the garage has a corrugated coating, for which the contraindications are large loads. In this case, the role of the heat insulator can be performed by light, mounting foam.

Flat roofs perfectly warm the extruded polystyrene foam, which is known for its waterproof qualities and, as a result, forms a perfectly even, tightly laid surface. The slabs of the material, as a rule, are in contact with each other well, but for reliability, all the joints are recommended to glue with tape. Using polystyrene foam, it is necessary to take care of vapor barrier and ventilation using the anti -condensate layer.

Pictures on request Thermal insulation of the roof with your own hands

For attaching tiles, bitumen mastic, liquid nails, anchor, as well as frost -resistant varieties of glue are used. After all the joints are neutralized, a reinforced fiberglass mesh should be laid to get a strong roofing pie. Even a beginner can cope with the process of warming both a flat and pitched roof, but for this he clearly needs to follow numerous recommendations for the choice and use of insulation that differ significantly from each other. In order not to make a mistake with the calculations of the required amount of material, experts advise drawing up a roof plan to which all sizes need to be made, this will significantly reduce the percentage of all kinds of errors. Such drawings will help in the installation work, the master will clearly understand where to start, and in which places you need to be more attentive.

Additional information on the topic insulation of the roof with your own hands is presented on the video:





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