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Sound insulation problems are more puzzled by residents of apartment buildings. One of the neighbors plays a musical instrument, someone has repairs in full swing, from the ceiling there is a clatter of small legs and such rubbish all day, and sometimes you really want to relax in complete silence. But it happens on the contrary, you want a noisy party, but there is no desire to spoil relations with neighbors.
As a rule, new houses do not differ in good sound insulation: voids in the walls, openings of sockets and switches, inputs of heating and water pipes, as well as the structural elements themselves perfectly convey any sounds. Therefore, sound insulation in the apartment is the work of the inhabitants themselves.
1. Sound insulation of walls and partitions
2. Sound insulation of sockets and mounting boxes
4. Sound insulation of the entrance doors
5. Sound insulation of the floor
6. Sound insulation of the ceiling
The main conductor of extraneous noise in any room are walls and partitions. The walls bordering on the street do not need to be isolated. From the noise that penetrates outside, you can get rid of just by installing double -glazed windows on the windows. If this is not possible, then you can replace the glass with thicker ones or provide them with a thicker connection to the frame. To do this, it is enough to walk around the perimeter of glass with a silicone sealant.
But the internal walls and partitions do not differ in a special thickness and remarkably convey sound vibrations of any frequency from the next room. The easiest way to reduce the level of noise penetration into the room through the walls is the sound insulation of sockets, mounting boxes and joints, which we will talk about below.
For sound insulation of very thin walls and partitions, it is better to use a multilayer structure, which differs in alternating layers of various densities. This method differs in high cost and gives a good result only when using high -quality materials. The fiberglass, basalt, spatling or silica fiber, as well as already ready sandwich panels are most effective for this purpose. Soft layers are faced with drywall panels.
Having decided on multilayer sound insulation, keep in mind that the area of \u200b\u200bthe room will be significantly reduced. Each faced wall reduces the linear dimensions of the room by more than 15 cm.
Technology of multilayer sound insulation of the walls:
For example, we present to your attention a video that shows the process of soundproofing the room using the ISOVER material.
During construction for outlets and mounting boxes, through holes are arranged, allowing to simultaneously install electrical equipment and accessories at once for two rooms. Therefore, they serve as excellent wires of noise from the neighboring room.
Before proceeding with isolation, it is necessary to de -energize them. After that, we completely remove the entire electrician from the hole, and inward we place a cork cut from any sound -absorbing material, for example, basalt fiber, and carefully cement it.
Installation boxes are isolated in the same way, only they differ in the presence of a plastic plug, which must be pulled out. By the way, if you do not know, you can find the location of these boxes by tapping the wall.
If the house is panel, then as a result of natural precipitation of the building, deformations of structural elements and poor -quality work of builders, in places of joints of neighboring walls, as well as walls and ceiling or floor, cracks are formed, which also miss the sound very well. It is not difficult to get rid of them. It is necessary to expand all cracks with a screwdriver or any other sharp tool to 30-40 mm, thoroughly clean their cavity, completely primed it and cover the putty with a layer of putty. After complete drying, the joints should be covered with sealant, better acrylic.
If the floor is already on the floor, then it can not be disassembled. For good isolation, it is enough to fill in the gap between the wall and the flooring with silicone and cover it with a baseboard. As a rule, this helps to significantly reduce the level of oscillations transmitted through the floor.
A large number of sounds penetrate the apartment due to the front door. Conversations of the neighbors, clapping doors, the sounds of the elevator, steps on the stairs - you can also get rid of them. The main requirement for the entrance doors, which provides a high level of sound permeability, is the absence of cracks. Therefore, it is enough to attach rubber seals in the places of contact of the door leaf with a jamb and equip the door frame with at least a small threshold. If there are cracks between the box and the doorway, then they must be filled with cement mortar.
A good soundproofing effect gives the use of two doors, and the second can be a thin decorative partition. The main thing here is a small vestibule, which extinguishes oscillations.
You need to take care of the sound insulation of the floor before laying the flooring. Otherwise, it will need to be disassembled. To isolate the floor from the penetration of extraneous noise and protect neighbors living from below, from sounds penetrating from your apartment, you need to place special insulation material under the flooring or, even better, under the floor screed. Such materials for soundproofing are a thin layer of fiberglass, polymer or other substance, which has high plasticity and elasticity. It is necessary to lay such isolation so that its edges go to the walls, in this case, sound vibrations will not spread beyond the surface of the floor.
The best way to insulate the room from the penetration of extraneous noise from the ceiling is the installation of suspended or suspended ceilings. It is better to entrust such work to real professionals. It independently is almost impossible to pull the canvas without wrinkles and distortions. Especially if you have never done this work before.
If funds do not allow you to invite specialists, then you can try to isolate the ceiling with a multilayer structure. The technology of this work is not very complicated and accessible even to a novice repairman:
Having decided to independently isolate the apartment from the penetration of noise, keep in mind that for a good result it is important to use high -quality materials with high soundproofing properties. All costs on them are quickly compensated by the calmness of your family and good relationships with neighbors.
The article is one water, at all without
The article is one water, without specifics at all.
Sound -insulation schemes and practical installation tips on the website
The article has a lot of superfluous and
The article has a lot of extra and no specifics. All soundproofing is built on classic structures, with alternating soft and solid materials. The most popular and effective structures are a metal frame on vibration suspensions. If the frame is going, then you can’t do without them, they extinguish vibrations that come from the ceiling, make the frame to the deaf. Sound -absorbing plates are inserted inside the frame and closed with drywall. These are classic constructions that we most often mount. It is better to take plates denser, for example, in maxfort plate with a density of 60 kg/m3. The most dense in the 5cm range. Low and medium frequencies will be best extinguished. As an increase in the design, you can add new material - soundpro. The real bunkers are obtained with it - nothing is heard.
Strange to become, of course! Pro
Strange to become, of course! About the ceiling especially - in general, everything is wrong! The main thing in the sound insulation of the ceiling is vibration isolation, since 99% of sounds
Strange to become, of course! Pro
Strange to become, of course! About the ceiling especially - in general, everything is wrong! The main thing in the sound insulation of the ceiling is vibration isolation, since 99% of sounds are shock noise! Therefore, special suspensions are needed - vibration suspensions are called. Several factories are produced in Russia, we took Soundguard.