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The waterproofing of the bathroom is one of those stages of the repair and construction process, the importance and need of which is almost impossible to overestimate. Its essence lies in the thorough and thoughtful protection of the floor, walls and all kinds of structures from the harmful effects of water and condensate.
Neglecting high -quality waterproofing, you say all finishing materials for sudden damage. In addition, mold, hidden in the corners of the unprocessed room, can cause the development of allergic rhinitis, cough, dermatitis, pr.
It is not at all difficult to do waterproofing a bathroom with your own hands, the main thing is to strictly observe the technology of work.
Depending on the nature of the materials used and the methods of their application, waterproofing is distinguished by coating, plastering, cast, injectable and glow. Within the framework of the bathroom, as a rule, only coating and gluttonous are used.
Materials for waterproofing are selected taking into account the state of surfaces and temporary capabilities.
The materials used for the gluing waterproofing of the bathroom are delivered in rolls. They are created on the basis of APP and SBS bitumen modified by polymers. Such products are reinforced with fiberglass or polyester. There are two types: fused (fit with the mandatory use of the burner) and self -adhesive (everything is obvious from the name).
However, recently, even the most modern ones, less and less, have been addressed to rolled materials. Experienced experts argue that, despite the apparent simplicity of installation (cut off - pasted), you will have to provide a lot of very important nuances:
Among the indisputable advantages of gluing waterproofing, economicality, reliable fixation, the ability to move along it immediately after the completion of installation work.
Crystal waterproofing of the bathroom is nothing but surfacing with special building mixtures. The mixtures choose, starting from the conditions of a particular room.
Its main advantage is unpretentious to the quality of the surface.
Important! Professionals warn: waterproofing based on bitumen is non -elected, it is difficult to work with them, although their effectiveness is very high.
When planning a budget and wondering what prices for waterproofing the bathroom, do not forget that protection should be organized not only on the floor: the walls should also be qualitatively involved in this process.
As in the vast majority of repair work, the first step of the process will be the preparation of surfaces.
How to prepare a bath for waterproofing?
Note! All chips and cracks should be eliminated precisely at this stage, otherwise they will certainly make themselves felt later.
The final chord of preparatory work is the application of the primer. If you plan to use a cement-polymer mixture for the waterproofing device, you can do without priming only to sprinkle the surfaces with water or walk along them with a damp roller.
Calculation and preparation of waterproofing mixture
Before proceeding with the preparation of the mixture for waterproofing, it will not be superfluous to estimate how much it will be needed. So that later it did not happen that before the end of the work you have the smallest, and the solution is already in zeros. Or vice versa, it will be a pity if the prepared potion is twice as much than you need to throw the remaining. And this is tantamount to thrown money.
Of course, all mixtures differ in consistency, there are those that are sold already in the finished form (on a polymer basis), and nothing will have to be bred. But why save the excess of any means?
Cement mixtures will definitely have to prepare a sufficient volume for this, into which water at room temperature is poured. Then a dry mixture is added there (adhere to the instructions indicated on the packaging of the goods) and the components are mixed until a homogeneous mass. After 5-10 minutes, the composition is mixed again.
To calculate the exact amount of the waterproofer, the total area of \u200b\u200ball surfaces that need to be divided into one and a half is necessary. The resulting figure will reflect the material consumption per square meter.
It is worth knowing! The result obtained by simple calculations is recommended to be rounded to the whole number in the larger direction: a small supply, nevertheless, is always needed.
The mixture is applied
Apply a waterproofing mixture with a brush, roller or spatula in several layers.
Optimal conditions for operating temperatures are +15 degrees, humidity 55-60%.
The mixture should be distributed evenly and carefully so that the layers turn out to be smooth and even. Each subsequent layer is applied perpendicular to the previous one after its drying out (as a rule, they are waiting for several hours).
How many specifics of protection are required, and what should be their thickness cannot be unambiguous, since each manufacturer has its own recommendations on this subject. You will find the necessary information on the package.
Any thoughtful owner in the process of studying the waterproofing technology of the bathroom will certainly arise the question: what to do with the main places of leaks - joints of vertical and horizontal surfaces? Professional builders recommend glue them with sealing forting tape before the waterproofing.
All seams, holes and joints that arise after the installation of plumbing should be secured using a special sealant. There are a lot of their varieties, but in the bathroom silicone, enriched with fugincids, they actively prevent the formation of mold.
As you can see, the waterproofing of the bathroom video from experts is not so complicated will help you to verify this again.