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Smart plumbing: installation of a touch mixer for a sink with your own hands

The main strategy for the development of the construction sphere is not only the development of innovative solutions, but also the desire for comfort. In the framework of this trend, manufacturers of furniture and household appliances, seeking to automate the work of their products as much as possible, have reached such heights that they were able to demonstrate to consumers the novelties of equipment, for which even minimal efforts are not required. Such devices themselves know when you need to start their work, fully regulate the entire process and also complete it on their own. In this regard, recently, the concept of a smart house, representing a combination of smart technology, has recently, which is based on the principle of maximum automation, and implying a system, all the components of which themselves understand when to start and finish their work. However, not everyone can afford the arrangement of a full -fledged system Smart House, and therefore, some manufacturers offer a decent alternative to separate smart devices that can work both within the framework of the whole system and independently. One of these devices is a contactless mixer, about the characteristics and features of the installation of which we will talk in this article.


  1. What is a touch mixer: the principle of operation of the device
  2. External and internal device of a contactless mixer
  3. The main varieties of touch mixers and their purpose
  4. Advantages and disadvantages of touch mixers
  5. What needs to be taken into account when purchasing a touch mixer?
  6. DIY touch mixer installation


What is a touch mixer: the principle of operation of the device

A touch or automatic mixer is a device using which you can turn on and turn off the water, just bringing your hand to it. This occurs due to the sensor built into the housing of the crane, which fixes the movement that arose in the immediate vicinity of it, after which, through the electronic circuit, it transfers the signal to the crane solenoid about the need to open the crane. In order for an independent closure of the tap, it is enough to remove the hand outside the specified range, which is from 1 to 35 cm, while the sensitivity zone is a customizable parameter, which can be adjusted manually or automatically. If the operating range of the device exceeds 35 cm, this will significantly reduce its practicality, since the sensor will respond even to the movements of a person passing by.

External and internal device of a contactless mixer

A distinctive feature of sensory mixers, thanks to which they gained their popularity, is their external attractiveness and marginal laconicism, due to the absence of valves and levers. Due to this feature, the sensory mixer looks in a special way stylish, since outwardly you can see only a tap body of a diverse shape, equipped with a sensor or the so-called photocell, which fixes infrared radiation in a given range. Traditionally, this range is from 1 to 35 cm, but it can be tuned manually or automatically.

Due to the fact that the sensory faucets are equipped with intelligent control electronic mechanisms, you can configure the temperature of the water in advance. The design features of modern models allow you to set several temperature conditions and subsequently choose the required value from the pre -provided settings.

Also, the temperature regime of water can be adjusted in real time. To do this, a lever or keys on the screen is provided on the mixer case, thanks to which you can manually adjust this indicator without knocking out previously installed settings.

Thus, the functionality of the touch mixer, the installation of which we will discuss later, implies several customizable parameters:

  • The sensitivity zone, in which it is necessary in order for the photocell to fix the movement and transmit the signal about the need to open the crane;
  • The temporary interval between the occurrence of infrared radiation and the moment of water supply. For example, water is supplied 4-5 seconds after the hand is brought to the crane. Through a similar time period, water will be turned off after you remove your hand.

Important! These parameters can only be adjusted in more expensive models of sensory mixers.

The internal device of the touch mixer also has certain features.

The equipment of the contactless mixer includes the following elements:

  • Electronics unit;
  • Battery;
  • Valves;
  • Pour;
  • Levers and valves for adjusting the temperature of water;
  • Filters;
  • Connection hose.

To ensure the uninterrupted functioning of a contactless mixer, a 9 V lithium battery will be required, which, as manufacturers guarantee, will last at least two years. This indicator is calculated taking into account the needs of an average family of 4 people. If you do not delve into the calculations, two years of operation of the lithium battery is at least 3-5 thousand inclusions per month and 130 automatic inclusions per day. This is a significant indicator, in connection with which, you can not worry about the operation of the mixer.

Modern models of leading manufacturers, in addition to the above elements, are equipped with a remote control, with which you can configure all parameters.

The main varieties of touch mixers and their purpose

Contactless mixers are customary to classify according to several criteria:

Purpose or place where the mixer will be installed

In accordance with this criterion, they distinguish:

  • Sensory mixers for the kitchen, which are models equipped with a rotary or arcuate surge;
  • Contactless bathroom mixers;
  • Contactless mixers for pussuar, including two groups of models, among which they distinguish internal and external mixers;
  • Sensory mixers for toilets, a feature of which is the supply of water for 15 seconds.

Features of the design of the external structure

Taking into account these features, they highlight:

  • Mixels equipped with touch panels designed for manual tuning a number of functions. These models are distinguished by an interesting design in the high-tech style and a fairly high cost;
  • Contact mixers, the designs of which allow you to connect the backlight.

Models of contactless mixers are also classified by the type of built -in sensors.

Given these features, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • Mixers equipped with an infrared sensor;
  • Mixers with an ultrasound sensor;
  • Mixers with a built -in photocell sensor, the disadvantage of which is a high probability of incorrect operation.

Important!For the manufacture of contactless mixers, brass is used, which is covered with a decorative nickel, chrome or enameled layer. Despite the aesthetics of these options, it must be remembered that nickel often causes allergic reactions, and enamel, unlike a chrome coating, is characterized by short -lived. Given these features, we can conclude that the most preferred option is a chrome coating.

Advantages and disadvantages of touch mixers

The key design features of sensory mixers determine their undeniable advantages:

  • Contactless mixers are an indispensable solution for public places with a large cluster of people. In institutions where water is actively used (public toilets, fitness centers, nightclubs), the constant operation of levers and valves is inevitable, which leads to their premature wear. In addition, it must be remembered that in public places there is often inaccurate use of inventory, which primarily refers to plumbing equipment. In such cases, it is necessary to pay attention to the sensory mixers all the necessary parameters (water temperature, the intervals between the occurrence of an infrared signal and the inclusion of water, etc.) are set up once, and then use equipment without pressing the lever. This feature significantly extends the service life of touch mixers;

  • Hygiene Another advantage of contactless mixers, relevant for public institutions. A frequent touch to the levers of traditional mixers leads to a large accumulation of bacteria on their surface, and therefore, there is a need for regular disinfection. In view of the features of the design, sensory mixers do not require contact with their hands and are safe from the point of view of their sanitary condition. Thanks to this advantage, sensory mixers do not need constant washing and are a real find for medical institutions;
  • Economy The presence of an automatic shutdown system allows you to use water exclusively for its intended purpose and generally helps to reduce its consumption, which means reducing expenses. This advantage is relevant for the home, where, due to forgetfulness, you can leave the water on, and for public places where individual entities can do so intentionally;
  • The durability of the equipment, due to the lack of the need to constantly configure the required parameters, turning levers and valves. Even to include water, you do not need to touch it;
  • SafetyThe advantage, thanks to which you can be sure that under any circumstances you do not scald boiling water. This is achieved by equipping the equipment with a system that limits the temperature up to 38 degrees;
  • Ease of operation Due to the fact that in the process of using the tap you do not need to touch it, it is not so quickly polluted, respectively and it must be washed less often;
  • The use of modern technologies in the production process of equipmentWhat guarantees its reliability and stylish design, and at the same time, despite all the above advantages, manufacturers of sensory mixers delight democratic pricing policy.

Disadvantages of contactless mixers:

  • Contrary to advertising myths about the universality of sensory mixers and their convenience for the kitchen, in practice many housewives were able to make sure that this is not so. Manufacturers convince that contactless mixers are ideal for the kitchen, since the hostess does not need to take up valves with dirty hands, but the kitchen is very demanding in terms of temperature change, and therefore, for such premises, experts recommend choosing traditional single -leaf mixers.

Important! The kitchen is not convenient to install a mixer with a constant temperature of water. The housewives know that in the process of cooking, they often have to change the temperature of the water: greasy dishes are washed with hot water, heavily contaminated vegetables are very warm, the meat and fish are slightly warm, and cold water is used for broth cooking. In this regard, sensory faucets in which it is not so easy to constantly change the temperature, prefer standard single -rod mixers.

  • When choosing plumbing equipment for the bathroom, remember that the touch mixer is not convenient for setting water to the bath, since, in accordance with the principle of its operation, you need to constantly hold your hand in the field of action of the sensor or turn off the sensory function, which obviously makes the installation of the sensory mixer inappropriate. With this in mind, to install the mixer in the bathroom with your own hands, analyze the bathroom style and choose a regular single -rod or two -wound mixer with a thermostat and short surge. This will allow you to once set the required water temperature and constantly use it;
  • The deficiency indicated above must be taken into account in the process of installing the mixer on the sink, since the filling of its bowl will be associated with the problem of constant in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sensor.
  • A fairly high price of sensory mixers compared to standard models.

Important! Prices for contactless mixers vary from 5 to 30 thousand, depending on the configuration and the manufacturer. For example, do-it-yourself installation of Hansgrohe hidden mixer (German manufacturer), with a chrome brass building made in the high-tech style and equipped with an electronic control system, a control valve and a battery of type 6 V, will cost you an average of 21 thousand rubles .

What needs to be taken into account when purchasing a touch mixer?

In the process of choosing a contactless mixer, attention is paid not only to the convenience of the convenience, but also to its design features, giving preference to stylistic solutions, compatible with the general interior. Despite the fact that the design decisions of touch mixers are not yet distinguished by a variety of shapes and colors, but in general you can choose a profitable solution for any bathroom.

To make the right choice, it is necessary to determine in advance to some details, which we will talk about later, and also give some tips.

  • Firstly, try to purchase the necessary equipment in large specialized centers, where you can consult a specialist at any time;
  • Secondly, when purchasing a touch mixer for installation on a previously installed sink, select a model whose design is compatible in its parameters;
  • If you purchase a mixer in the market or in a small non -specialized store, make sure that you are buying a mixer, and not a sensory crane for a single -pipe system. We consider it necessary to discuss this moment separately, so outwardly these two designs look the same, however, unlike the tap, the touch mixer is characterized by the presence of two output holes for hot and cold water.

Important!Prices for contactless mixers are quite variable and depend on the following factors:

  • manufacturer;
  • the material from which the sensory mixer is made;
  • the presence or absence of a remote control;
  • the presence of additional functions, thanks to which the use of the mixer becomes as comfortable as possible.

Pay special attention to devices equipped with a temperature adjustment function and flow intensity. In the process of everyday use of the touch mixer, functions such as setting the switching and disconnecting of the mixer, adjusting the time of operation of the mixer, etc. will be especially appropriate.

DIY touch mixer installation

The installation of the hidden installation mixer as a whole does not differ from the installation of traditional tap tap. However, she has its own characteristics.

The process of installing a contactless mixer includes several stages:

  • Installation of the mixer body;
  • Water supply connection.

  • Before starting the installation of the mixer with your own hands, redraw the water supply.
  • If you plan to replace the mixer, first of all, dismantle the old structure.
  • The body of the mixer is mounted in a hole specially designated for this on the sink, installing the mounting gasket between the mixer and shell. The described plumbing equipment is installed on the gasket and fixed using a nut;
  • It is necessary to say a few words about the height of the installation of the mixer. The equipment of the touch mixer involves the presence of fasteners for the installation of the control box, which is attached at an altitude of 55 cm from the floor;
  • Next, using a flexible hose, a control unit and a mixer are connected. The hose, as a rule, is also included in the set of the touch mixer. At the junction, a polymer gasket is installed;
  • The next stage of installation of a non -contact mixer involves the connection of nipples with water pipes;
  • In conclusion, unscrewing several bolts, the case is removed from the control unit and using the nut is connected to the sensory mixer cable to control;
  • Install the lithium batteries, tighten the block cover in place and check the operating capacity of the mixer.

Important! Immediately after installation, first connecting the sensor, you may encounter automatic triggering of the mixer. The reason for this is a strong reflection of the light that falls on the sensor. To prevent it, eliminate excessive lighting.

Important! If in the process of long -term operation you are faced with a situation where the mixer stopped blocking the water, disassemble it and clean the membranes from pollution and saline deposits.

Installation of the mixer in the bathroom with your own hands video





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