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DIY door handles installation

It would seem, what a trifle these door handles!

But, nevertheless, you can’t do without them perhaps to completely abandon the doors. We suspect that few would be capable of this: apartments without doors, at least in the same bathroom, you won’t find it with fire in the afternoon.

Therefore, with the question of how to choose and correctly install door handles sooner or later, everyone faces.

  1. Types of door handles
  2. How to choose?
  3. Install the door handles of the installation circuit and detailed instructions

Types of door handles

Professionals recommend choosing door handles, based on knowledge of the specifics of work and the ergonomic properties of each specific type of them.

By form and principle of operation

There are such main types of door handles:

  • stationary (brackets);
  • paler with a pressure mechanism;
  • phalets with a rotary mechanism (nobs).

Stationary pens Installed on the door with several screws or fitting screws. They serve exclusively in order to pull the door when opening and pushing when closing.

Stationary handles do not interact with either latches or with a lock.

In its form, this fittings are divided into several subspecies distinguish between P-shaped, spherical and round stationary handles.

Handles with a pressure mechanism They are equipped with palette, cut into the door, with a latch. The principle of their work is as follows: when you press the handle, a spring is triggered, which removes the latch into the bowels of the canvas - thus, the door opens. If they do not mechanically affect the handle, then the latch is constantly in the position extended.

Such a system is unusually convenient if the house has a constant need for tightly closed doors.

It is worth knowing! All classic cut locks are equipped with just such handles with a pressure mechanism.

When you replace old pressure pens with new ones, do not forget about latches. Indeed, when purchasing accessories with latches different from the existing ones, you subject yourself to an unnecessary headache to be additionally cut, and, possibly, also patch up the canvases.

Installing door handles with your own hands will take you a few minutes if you select new elements with sizes similar to the old.

Handles with a rotary mechanism (Nobs) have the shape of a ball. Often, a keyhole is integrated into their center. In this case, they open with the key only on one side; On the other side is a blocking button or latch. Such accessories are a great choice for interior doors, especially in the bathroom and toilet.

According to the material

Door hands differ among themselves not only in the shape and principle of operation, but also the material from which they are made.

Metal The handles are made of aluminum, brass, steel (ordinary and stainless) and other alloys. The production technology of some of them implies the formation of a special coating on products of a special coating, it can be chrome, nickeling, etc. Today, the most popular are brass handles; Brass the metal is warm and unusually pleasant to the touch. It is resistant to significant loads, is relatively inexpensive in processing and has high aesthetics.

Wooden It is made of various woody species, sometimes very valuable.

As for the quality of wooden pens, it is extremely preferable that they are cut out of solid material, otherwise their abrasion cannot be avoided.

Glass Handles are made from Murano or Bohemian glass.

Plastic (and other artificial) samples, as a rule, are mounted on doors that separate the utility rooms in the house (for example, pantries).

Furniture from natural stone (nephritis) real decoration of the premises. Such pens are often distinguished by a bizarre cut and ornate thread.

How to choose?

The door handles must be combined not only with the door itself, but also the general character of the interior. When buying, it will not be superfluous to evaluate the accessories to the touch; Evaluate how it lies in the hand, whether it causes unpleasant sensations.

Provide the degree of load on the handle. Agree, on a powerful, heavy door, frail accessories will quickly become unusable, it will simply not withstand the efforts that you have to apply for manipulations with the canvas.

At the price, the door handles differ as strongly as in all other parameters. Depending on the form and material, their cost can be from several hundred rubles to the amount exceeding the cost of the door itself. Colombo door handles are of high quality, beautiful design. You can choose a suitable pen for your interior.

Install the door handles of the installation circuit and detailed instructions

After a detailed familiarization with the classification and assortment of door handles and, we hope, the right choice of suitable samples, it's time to move on to studying the technology of their installation.

Instructions for installing door handles

Installing the door handle on the interior canvas begins with its marking. First of all, mark the height at which the fittings will be located with a pencil.

The standard height of the door handle settles ranges from ninety-hundred centimeters from the floor.

But it is not at all necessary to clearly follow this figure in each case should take into account the height of the location of other pens in the house, the growth of family members. It is important to understand that you are installing for yourself, and not for any reporting table.

All markings are best done using a good square.

With a sharp pencil, draw a line on one side of the door and make an awl at a distance of sixty millimeters from the edge of the canvas. By applying the square, draw a line on the end. Then make similar markings on the other side.

The line at the end also pierce the awl, as if separating the thickness of the door in half.

Then take a drill with a crown on a tree and begin to drill a hole on one of the sides.

Note! No need to drill right through the depth, equal to half the thickness of the door for starters will be enough. In order not to get carried away, you can make an appropriate mark on the crown.

Carry out the full drilling of the hole through similar manipulations on the other side of the door (monitor the correctness of all measurements!).

By acting in this way you may be sure that the reverse side of the door leaf is not damaged, that the crown will not go to the side.

Keep the drill relative to the door exclusively at right angles; Do not allow her deviations horizontally and vertically.

Now replace the crown with a feather drill and make a hole from the door end. Follow the evenness of the drill movement.

Take the chisel and, by light tapping, break through the outline and make a sample.

Attach the latch, it should completely drown, finding himself in the same plane with the end of the door.

Screw the latches with screws.

Now it remains to twist two parts of the structure. To do this, just insert one handle and get into the special holes of the latch guides with a thread for bolts. Then put the other handle and pull everything with bolts.

The final stage in the installation of door handles is installed a metal frame on a box. Marking for this purpose can be done in two ways:

  • link the end of the tongue with toothpaste, press the handle and, closing the door, shake it. Thus, marks will remain on the box;
  • close the door, put a metal ruler into the gap and, alternately combining it with the top and bottom of the tongue, make the corresponding marks with a pencil.

After that, attach the frame to the box. Mark the sample section under the tongue itself and under the plate. The first sample is done under the tongue. You can proceed to cutting the circuit under the frame only after making sure that the tongue from the latch leaves completely and the door closes normally.

After installation (screwed with screws), the metal frame should be in the same plane with the corresponding bar box.

On this, the installation of door handles ends you can enjoy the fruits of your labor. If the pens are easily pressed and the latch walks easily, then everything went successfully!





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