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DIY slopes on the door

The slopes on the doors are not only a warming element of the doors, but also perform an aesthetic function. The process of installing slopes on the door requires special attention, because there are different methods and technologies of the finish. In the article provided, we will consider issues related to the installation of slopes in various ways.

Table of contents:

  1. Methods for decorating slopes
  2. Drywall door slopes
  3. Decoration of slopes of doors with plaster
  4. Spearfront finishing with plastic panels
  5. The finish of the slopes with wood   
  6. Detailed instructions for installing slopes for entrance doors

Methods for decorating slopes

There are different options for the installation of door slopes, which are determined by the type of material, work technology and the like. When installing it with your own hands, it is important to follow the recommendations of specialists and detailed installation instructions. It is important to ensure that the materials used are practical and durable, while they must perform insulating functions, especially when decorating the slopes of the front door.

The installation of door slopes should comply with some tasks, which consist in reliable fixation of fasteners, as well as in the performance of a decorative function. Determining the variations of the decoration of slopes, experts distinguish the surface cladding with different materials, which are attached to the base with the assistance of the solution, plaster. Some elements can be attached to the frame base using a drill or other devices.

As objects of the finish, you can linen slopes on the door of laminate, drywall, plastic or wooden panels, MDF and the like. All materials are perfect for finishing, both for interior doors, and for entrance. In the latter version, it is necessary to provide reliable sound insulation and complete sealing, which foresees a thorough sealing of the slopes.

The slopes for the front door should not have any voids, which increases the strength and reliability of the cladding. Different materials for finishing can be used on top of putty or solution. The main thing is that they are combined with the internal design of the apartment or at home. If a huge amount of solution is needed for the decoration, for example, to level corners, then the frame can be installed on the slopes. Its base may be wooden rails or a metal profile on which facing materials are installed.

It is worth noting that the finish of the slopes for the frame will create a more even surface than plastering. Moreover, the finish with wooden or plastic panels looks more attractive than painting the surface and so on. Including, through frame slopes, it is much easier to conduct telephone, electric and other communications.

It is important that the opening in the doorway has the maximum service life, is durable and practically does not succumb to mechanical and other damage. To do this, you need to know the rules and technologies for installing slopes on the door yourself. No less importance is also given to the choice of facing material that is highlighted:

1. Finishing with drywall. Such material will hide all the bumps of the slopes. Using this option, you will get rid of unnecessary embezzlement to purchase putty and other solutions intended for aligning a certain area. In this case, the possibility of installing a frame base will disappear.

2. Plaster slopes on the door. This method is considered the most economical and practical, while all work can be done independently. To do this, it is important to cover the working surface with plaster, after which you can take the finish.

3. Plastic panels. Very often used for decoration of window openings. They are rarely used in the openings for doors, because plastic materials will be released against the background of a wooden product. Moreover, this option is not reliable and durable.

4. Wooden slopes. Such a finish option is the most popular. The wood is a strong and reliable material that will serve for a long time. Such a finish is suitable for a different interior of the room.

Drywall door slopes

Gypsum cardboard is not used for decoration, but is a base for slopes. This option is used to save money on the purchase of various mixtures for leveling walls. Installation work should begin with preliminary preparation of the surface, which includes cleaning walls, as well as a primer:

1. After the surface dries, you need to make all the measurements and prepare materials for finishing the slopes at the front door with your own hands. When cutting the material, make sure that some parts are cut off at an angle. This is necessary to attach parts on the rejected surface.

2. After cutting the sheets, check if all the elements are suitable for the doorway.

3. Next, you should wait for the complete drying of the primer layer, after which you can install the panels. As fasteners, special glue or dowels can be used. It is recommended to apply the first option, which will allow you to fasten the drywall sheets more evenly.

4. The installation process should begin with the installation of the lateral parts of the opening, and in the final line, the upper region succumbs.

5. The glue can be applied with a continuous strip or individual points, for example, every 15 centimeters.

6. After reliable fixation of drywall sheets, it is necessary to make surface finish by fastening the perforated corners by applying putty.

Decoration of slopes of doors with plaster

This option of work does not represent certain difficulties and requires minimal costs. The process of decorating slopes has the following sequence:

1. First, the working surface must be cleaned and primed.

2. After drying the primer, it is advised to start applying the solution to the sloping surface. For work, it is recommended to use a spatula.

3. To make the angles of the opening even, it is important to use perforated metal corners. They are attached to the surface using the plaster layer and are thoroughly covered.

4. After the plaster dries, the surface of the slopes should be cleaned with a skin.

5. The last step is the processing of walls using paintwork, which will give aesthetics.

Spearfront finishing with plastic panels

You can make slopes on the door with your own hands from plastic panels. The performance of the work has the following sequence:

1. First, it is necessary to make door slopes and cut the plastic panels that would correspond to these parameters.

2. In the work, an electric jigsaw should be used, not an ordinary knife. This is necessary that all the details in the sites are even.

3. After trimming, all the panels must be applied with the doorway.

4. First, the slopes on the sides are installed. For this, a special profile is fixed to the opening with the assistance of self -tapping screws.

5. From the edge of the wall it is necessary to attach wooden rails. It is important to check the evenness of installation elements with the assistance of the construction level. Plastic panels using brackets will be attached to such rails.

6. In the lower area, a plug is installed on the plastic panels, and the item is inserted into the slopes on the sides and the initial profile. The same order has work on decorating slopes over the doors.

7. The last step is the processing and sealing of sutures using silicone. To install plastic slopes, it is recommended to choose PVC sheets, as well as special sandwich panels.

The finish of the slopes with wood

The finish made of wood is perfect, both for the slopes of the metal door and wooden. Of course, in the works you can use materials made of natural wood, or apply laminated or MDF panels. If you want to prefer a material that would have a great insulating properties, it is recommended to use MDV boards. If their parameters are not suitable for the size of the slopes, then a laminate can be an excellent alternative.

At first, installation work begins with thorough sealing the joints between the door box and the surface of the wall. After that, the remaining foam needs to be removed, cleaned and carefully primed. The slopes can be made at right angles or with a small slope. After determining the shape of the slopes, it is necessary to fix all the panels. In the work, it is necessary to carefully monitor the correct selection of wooden planks. It is important that they have the same thickness and size on both sides.

Reiki or frame should be attached to the wall with the assistance of dowels, which relates to fixing all the details. The slopes can be attached using glue or using self -tapping screws. All gaps should be covered with silicone sealant. The slopes of wooden panels look very aesthetically pleasing in any interior of the room.

Detailed instructions for installing slopes for entrance doors

Finishing work must be carried out, taking into account the size of the doorway and the materials used. If when installing slopes in the interior openings there is no need to do insulation, then for the front doors this procedure is an important element. To the question: how to make slopes on the front door, you need to pay important attention to sealing the openings from drafts and sounds that are reported from the landing.

The slopes should be strong and reliable. In this case, experts offer to make a decoration plaster or use different combinations. For example, you can make plastering walls on top of which MDF panels are attached. Everyone uses it from their own preferences. For work, it is necessary to prepare such materials and devices:

  • mounting foam;
  • lime, cement;
  • putty, primer;
  • sand;
  • glue, dowel, if necessary, liquid nails;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • building level;
  • brushes, spatula;
  • perforated corners.

To reveal the question: how to make slopes on the doors even? - We recommend that you study detailed instructions for the performance of work.

1. First of all, it is important to close all the cracks. After installing the door, it is important to thoroughly fill all the gaps between the box and the wall with mounting foam. Next, you need to wait until the foam is hardened. All the remains must be cut off with an ordinary knife and gently smoothed the cracks.

2. The preparation of the surface is important for further plastering of the wall. All work takes a long time, so it is recommended to process the surface in several layers. At first, a layer of primer is applied to the wall, which will better strengthen the plaster solution. To achieve a perfectly flat surface, it is necessary to use a beach profile, which is fixed using dowels.

3. Next, we carry out the plastering of the slopes. For the manufacture of the solution, it is necessary to use cement, sand, lime solution. The technology of applying the mixture to the surface should be started from the upper area of \u200b\u200bthe slopes. At first, putty is applied with a thick layer, after which the excessive amount is removed by leveling the wall. To make the angles of the slopes even, it is recommended to use a perforated profile. They are fixed on the surface of the applied plaster mixture. Next, the finish layer of plaster is applied, which should be thin. This process will remove all the irregularities and roughness.

4. The final stage is the fastening of MDF panels. The base for such panels must be made from a lime-cement mortar. After drying it, a primer layer is applied to the surface. The panels must be divided into three parts, each of which should correspond to the door slopes. A layer of glue should be applied to the surface of the wall, after which the panel is applied to the wall. Such work must be done with all the details.

To understand the work scheme, we recommend watching a video about the decoration of the slopes for the doors presented at the end of the article. When finishing it is necessary to pay due attention to the cut of the slabs. To do this, all corners are thoroughly measured, and the trimming of the panels is important to do at a certain angle. After trimming the plastic or wooden panel, all parts must be connected to check whether they correspond to the door slopes. The use of wooden panels and doors made of such material will be an ideal combination of the decoration of slopes.





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