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DIY front door finishing

When choosing the front door, each consumer is guided by three main criteria: reliability, aesthetics and financial availability. Many prefer to install metal products. Only some of the owners of real estate are mounted by wooden models. The article will talk about the options for finishing the front door with your own hands.


  1. Entrance door made of metal or wood
  2. Front door lock
  3. Eye
  4. Front door finishing to increase heat and soundproofing properties
  5. Decorative front door decoration

Entrance door made of metal or wood

  • First of all, the door must meet all safety requirements. The degree of protection is determined by the resistance to coarse strength and intellectual hacking. Private houses need products with a full set of protective measures. In the absence of owners, attackers can resort to gross hacking, up to the use of a sledgehammer.
  • In such cases, a great option will be a canvas made of hot or alloy steel. Moreover, the absence of welds on the front side of the canvas significantly improves the anti -jacket properties, it will be remembered, but it will resist.
  • Before purchasing, it is necessary to clarify the number of stiffeners that are responsible for the strength of the structure as a whole. The metal door cannot boast of good heat and sound insulation characteristics. Therefore, you should think about additional protection.
  • Wooden products opposite are of worthy noise and thermal qualities. They are environmentally friendly and aesthetic. The canvases should be treated with antipyrens and antiseptics, and are also covered with high -quality paintwork.

Front door finishing photo

  • The low resistance of wood to mechanical influences, temperature changes and ultraviolet rays make the door not the best option for installing a private sector in houses. Such products are more suitable for apartments.
  • The noise made during hacking will definitely attract the attention of the neighbors, and if the choice fell on wooden doors, then it is recommended to equip them with good intellectual protection. It is important to use a combination of locks with a high degree of reliability.

Front door lock

The mechanisms are classified by the category of reliability, type of locking and the installation method. No matter how hard the manufacturers try, but it is impossible to guarantee complete protection against illegal actions of attackers.

  • Four categories of reliability of these devices indicate only the time that will be needed for illegal opening. The first two levels do not represent any problems for unlocking. These locks are suitable only for interior doors.
  • The third category is equipped with a more complex internal structure and a criminal will take at least 10 minutes to hack it. During this time, vigilant neighbors will call police officers or a call to the security point will receive from the established alarm.
  • It will not be easy to cope with castle devices of the fourth category of complexity even to a matteral bear. It will take more than half an hour to open. It is unlikely that an attacker will even want to contact such castles.

By the method of installation, locking systems are divided:

  • on hinged. This type, in principle, is not considered for use as installation on residential buildings. There are few aesthetics and reliability in them, to break the lock or tear out the loops with one movement of the fragment of the pipe. Although sometimes hinged locks can be found in remote villages of the country;
  • on the invoices. Such a variety is more often found on wooden doors, their design allows not to violate the integrity of the canvas. The appearance leaves much to be desired, but the locks cope well with their direct responsibilities;
  • on the mortise. A clear plus of locking devices lies in their hidden installation, which in turn creates an additional barrier on the path of attackers. The mortise mechanism is not suitable for installation on a wood door.

The market presents a wide range of products, which are based on various locking systems. It can be crossbar, electronic, code mechanisms, where each of them has both undeniable advantages and significant disadvantages.

Only two types are worth considering in more detail: leaf and cylinder locks:

  • the first variety is a classic mechanism with a powerful core. The complexity of the illegal opening of the device depends on the number of codes. That is, the larger the grooves, the higher the secrecy of the castle mechanism;
  • the cylinder devices are at the peak of popularity due to the possibility of replacing the larva, for example, when losing a key. The cylinder itself is divided by resistance to intellectual hacking. In principle, the entire executive mechanism is characterized by reliability and reliability.


The front door without the eye is the top of irresponsibility, especially in modern times. As a rule, they are divided into two large groups: standard and electronic.

  • an ordinary eye It will not provide a good viewing angle. It is enough for a person outside the door to stand sideways at the jamb and he will no longer be visible;
  • panoramic eye It gives 180 degrees of the review, this is quite enough to view the entire landing, including the side sides of the front door. Such devices are with every second property owner;
  • glass hidden This is a micro optics with a conventional or panoramic review and with a hidden installation. However, because of his small formats, he will not be able to provide a high-quality field for inspection.

On sale there are a large number of linings for framing the door eyes. Thus, this element can become not only a functional necessity, but also a stylish accent.

Modern electronics.Devices of this category can be safely called compact video surveillance systems with different levels of capabilities:

  • electronic models are connected to a tablet, laptop or computer and when calling the doorbell, the picture with the visitor is displayed on the gadget screen. Therefore, the user will even have to get up from the couch to find out who is at the threshold;
  • more advanced devices react to movement on the stairwell and automatically include photos or video shooting. Infrared backlighting provides high visibility of the object even in complete darkness. Later it will be possible to view the record for unauthorized persons spinning near the door;
  • some systems allow you to transmit videos and sounds to a mobile phone. Thus, remote audio communications with the guest is carried out.

Front door finishing to increase heat and soundproofing properties

The front door is supposed to not only provide protection against unauthorized access, but also prevent the penetration of extraneous noise, reduce heat loss. The material used for these purposes should meet a number of requirements:

  • strength and durability;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • low degree of thermal conductivity;
  • high level of sound absorption.
  • The following insulation has established itself well:
  • mineral wool;
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • foam;
  • foamed polyurethane;
  • wood fiber;
  • foam rubber;
  • isolon.

Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages. Having selected the most profitable option, based on the physical and technical characteristics of the insulation, you can start work.

Metal canvas

  • First, it is removed from the loops, this approach will provide convenience for subsequent actions. Between the ribs of stiffness, insulation material is laid. With a small number of supports, a wooden crate is performed.

  • Depending on the heat insulator for reliable fixation, liquid nails or construction stapler are used. Installation should be done without the formation of cracks between the layers. If it was not without gaps, then they are carefully filled with mounting foam.
  • The use of hygroscopic materials will require an additional layer in the form of a vapor barrier membrane, which is spread between metal and insulation. Further, the design is assembled in the reverse order.
  • If the work was carried out on the doors made of one sheet, then the skin is mounted on top of the insulation. Here you can use a leaf of laminated chipboard, laminate planks.

Wooden doors

  • They rarely need additional insulation. But if the need arose, the canvas is removed and freed from accessories. Two options received prevalence: simple upholstery and casing on the frame.
  • In the first case, soft thermal insulation material is laid on the door (mineral wool, foam rubber, etc.). A dermatin is spread on top, the cut of which provides an additional 5 cm around the entire perimeter, which go to the backlog.

  • The insulation, like decorative material, is attached by means of a stapler. Furniture nails or moldings can act as decorative elements. With their help, you can create ornaments, geometric shapes.
  • In the second option, first a crate from the rails is filled on the canvas. Between them is laid isolation, the optimal choice will be a foil isonon. The frame is sewn with a laminate or sheet of chipboard, you can pull the decorative material of the high density.
  • For both types of doors, a self -adhesive sealing tape of different thicknesses is additionally used, which can be purchased at any construction store. Installation is carried out around the perimeter of the canvas.

Decorative front door decoration

The entrance area serves as a certain indicator of the level of well -being. Therefore, the decoration should be selected from the middle segment. If there is confidence in the reliability of locks or the installed alarm, then you can use more expensive, elite materials.

Roading front door with stone photo

High -quality decoration can perform several functions at once:

  • act as a business card;
  • provide additional heat and sound insulation;
  • protect the canvas from the actions of vandals, claws of animals, adverse climatic conditions.

Options for the exterior decoration of the front door

The metal door is the most common option for installation. It allows you to feel safe. For steel products, there are many ways to organize design.

  • Of the inexpensive options, one can note simple coloring. Even oil paint will be able to protect the metal from premature corrosion formation. Vinyl skin, which has a high tensile strength, will cost a little more expensive.
  • Very popular laminate. Excellent decorative qualities and wear resistance make this material a very worthy alternative to wood. However, it does not tolerate the moist environment and direct sunlight poorly, which does not allow you to use it for external work. But it will be a great option for finishing the front door from the inside.

  • Good material is lining boards. Environmentally friendly wood with a natural texture also has heat and sound insulation qualities. MDF sheets covered with PVC film are a modern substitute for the lining.
  • If the topic of wood coating seems dull and hackneyed, then the market is offered MDF, painted with paint of extraordinary tones. The azure or gold door will certainly cause the envy of all neighbors.
  • Fiberglass They are used mainly to arrange the external entrance area. Panels made on the basis of epoxy resins do not burn out in the sun, are not afraid of moisture, are not deformed under the influence of temperature differences.
  • For front decoration is suitable powder coating. Although as a result, it resembles ordinary paint, it benefits favorably with respect to high qualities in resistance to mechanical influences.
  • Using premium materials. Roading front door stone or natural wood. Their natural beauty and excellent characteristics allow you to combine strength and respectability together. However, natural wood does not respond well to damage and does not tolerate increased humidity. In this connection, such panels are recommended to be installed in apartments with additional security systems.

A wooden door loses its position in popularity. Paradoxically, they are mounted either in elite housing or poor apartments, where there are no means for installing metal ones.

  • Products, as a rule, do not need decorative decoration. Before installing, they must be protected and then they will last a long time without loss of initial qualities.
  • A new canvas is treated with special solutions that prevent the release of resins. The next layer is designed to protect from moisture from exposure and prevent the development of microorganisms. After grinding, the wood is covered with varnish to give brilliance and emphasize the unique structure.

Interior front door

If the materials used for external work should be more characterized by persistent characteristics to the effects of various kinds, then for the inside of the canvas the decorative component is more important.

Basically, the following requirements are presented to the decoration:

  • attractive appearance;
  • compatibility with the interior of the room;
  • relative wear resistance;
  • noise -absorbing properties;
  • available cost.
  • Wood.This material will certainly emphasize the corresponding interior. For those who are not constrained in finances, they can also choose expensive varieties. The disadvantage of such a finish lies in the regular processing of the canvas with primers and varnishes that will not allow it to darken and lose attractiveness.
  • Chipboard.Sheets of shallows of a small fraction lead in the budget category. In most cases, an unsightly appearance is closed by a self -adhesive film. Among the negative points of the material, low strength and low resistance to moist conditions can be distinguished.
  • MDF.Its quality is noticeably higher than that of chipboard. A special film not only gives decorativeness (variety of colors), but also protects the stove from damage to various kinds. The panels can be veneered, laminated or painted. They are distinguished by easy care, which is especially important for hallways.
  • Laminate.Here the floor covering is used for not their intended purpose. Its budgets, small weight, similarity with wood and decent strength attracts many consumers. In addition, there will be no problems with the installation.
  • Vinyl skin.Amazing similarity with natural material makes this species quite popular. In tandem with insulation, it shows good insulation qualities. The possibility of creating volumetric drawings through furniture nails and moldings adds another plus.

Powder spraying.This finish is suitable for metal doors made of two sheets and do not need additional sound and thermal insulation. Otherwise, it is a persistent and durable coating that does not require special care. For high -quality application, you will have to resort to the help of professionals.

  • Finishing the front door with a decorative stone.For elegant design, artificial stone is often used. The option looks especially advantageous when it becomes a continuation of the wall decoration from the same material. The selected elements should have a thickness of not more than 4 mm, otherwise the weight created on the canvas will be too large.

Having examined all the components of the front door, you can safely start design. You can give one advice to the lucky ones who do not experience constraints in finance: select the best option of the eye, door lock, material for external and interior decoration and contact a specialized company where the door of your dreams will be made.





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