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DIY doors dismantling the doors in the apartment

When performing repairs in the apartment, quite often the question arises of how to dismantle old doors. The technology of work directly depends on the type of doors that will be dismantled. We will consider how to dismantle old and installing new doors about how to dismantle the old ones.

Table of contents:

  1. Doors classification: description, characteristics
  2. Technology and features of doors dismantling
  3. How to dismantle a metal door

Doors classification: description, characteristics

Doors not only protect the room from extraneous invasion, but also perform an aesthetic function. The entrance doors meet guests and create a general impression of the apartment. Interior doors divide the space into separate rooms.

There are a large number of doors that are divided into groups based on certain principles. In relation to the material from which the doors are made, they come:

1. Wooden - the most popular option. Such doors are distinguished by a variety of drawings and textures. Wood doors are environmentally friendly, light, but at the same time durable. In pricing, wooden doors are suitable for almost everyone, since there are cheaper woods, such as pine, larch, and more expensive - oak, beech. The tree is easy to process, so you can build from it different in the shape of the door. Having painted them in the desired color, it will be possible to make doors suitable for any interior style.

2. Aluminum - differ primarily by resistance to an aggressive environment and a long service life. Among the main characteristics of the aluminum door, we also note fire resistance, good soundproofing and thermal insulation characteristics.

Also, aluminum doors are stable before corrosion, have light weight compared to metal ones, they are well opposed to hacking, so they are most often used as the front door.

Among the shortcomings of such a door, we note their high cost and a tendency to corrosion, if aluminum is in contact with other types of metals and moisture.

3. Metal - the most reliable. There are a large number of steel doors that differ in color and design. For door treatment, special compounds are used, which prevent the development of corrosion. Among the positive properties of such doors, we note:

  • soundproofing characteristics;
  • high level of protection;
  • Protection from cold and frost.

4. Glass - are used if it is necessary to visually increase the space in the room. They are not amenable to moisture or temperature changes. With the help of special processing on the glass, very beautiful patterns are created that make the doors unique. The doors of their glass have high sound permeability, rather heavy and are highly worth it.

5. Sponge - cheaper than wooden. However, such doors are more susceptible to moisture and are easily deformed under its influence. Therefore, their installation in the kitchen or in the bathroom is impossible.

6. Laminated - such doors are more resistant to moisture, as they have laminated protection on their surface. There is the possibility of decorating such doors for any tree breed or any color. Another variety of laminated doors is the milling doors. They are more wear -resistant than laminated and cheaper.

7. Mesonite -type doors - for their manufacture, fine -fractional wood is used. This doors are distinguished by relative strength and durability. Laminated or veneer coating is used to finish them.

8. Plastic doors - inexpensive, lung in care, imitate various textures and colors well, can have a unique design. However, such doors are very light and unstable to mechanical damage.

9. The combined door contains several materials from which it is made. The most popular option is a combination of wood and glass. Metal and glass, veneer and glass, wood and metal, etc. can also be interconnected.

In relation to the method of opening the door, they are:

  • swing - opening in one or in two directions;
  • sliding - installed in order to save space in the room;
  • folding - consist of several sections, are installed exclusively indoors;
  • Swaying - open in both directions, are especially relevant in the house in which there are pets.

In the ratio with the number of paintings that the door consists of, they come:

  • one-;
  • two-;
  • one and a half-;
  • Three -polls.

In the ratio with the filling of the door leafs, the doors are divided into deaf and shallow. Glazed doors are often installed on the balcony and indoors. They pass the light from one room to another.

In the relationship with the internal filling of the door, there are:

  • Massive - exclusively a whole part of the tree is used for their manufacture, this version of the door is impressive and has high strength;
  • shield - such a door has a cellular filling, for filling the door leafs in such a door, for example, rails, veneer, plywood, chips are used;
  • Filefneal - differ in the presence of recesses of rectangular, round, rectangular shape;
  • Smooth - differ in a completely smooth surface.

Technology and features of doors dismantling

There are two ways according to which the doors are dismantled with a box in the apartment. The first of them implies accurate work with the subsequent use of the dismantled door. The second method implies the accelerated dismantling of the door without its further use.

Compliance with the technology of dismantling the door, ensure ease of installation of installation of a new door. In the process, the presence of such a tool as:

  • hammer;
  • hacksaw, for working with wood;
  • Devices in the form of scrap and nail.

If the door is used again, then a wide chisel, pliers, an acute stationery knife, a screwdriver and a screwdriver will also be required.

Initially, the order of work looks like this:

  • tool preparation;
  • removal of the door leaf;
  • dismantling of platbands;
  • Removing the door box.

Dismantling of interior doors should be carried out with special accuracy, especially if the room is resident. In order to dismantle the old door, follow the instructions below:

1. Initially, remove the door leaf. In the presence of detachable or card loops, this process takes place very quickly. If the door is fixed using universal loops, then it is initially necessary to unscrew the screws.

2. Next, you should get rid of cashing. To do this, remove decorative plugs and unscrew the screws. If the cashing is fixed using nails, then it must be tapped on it with a hammer, so that the nails crawl out.

3. The next stage is the dismantling of the door box. Initially, find the location of the box in the wall. Quite often, they are near a loop or castle connection. Using a screwdriver, unscrew the fasteners with which the door frame is fixed. If you do not have a screwdriver, then you can use a cross -shaped screwdriver.

Tip: if in the process of dismantling the old door there are difficulties with pulling out fasteners, then it is enough to saw them off with a grinder, but in this case, you need to wear glasses and gloves.

In the presence of mounting foam between the opening and the door box, it is cut out by a clerical knife. Thus, it will be possible to simplify the dismantling process. To remove the plaster from the doorway, a hammer is used.

Next, the box is removed from the door and installed on the floor. If there is a good thing on it, it is removed, since there is a risk of door damage during its transportation.

We offer to familiarize yourself with the second way to dismantle the door. It will require its execution:

  • hammer;
  • ax;
  • hacksaw;
  • scrap and nail.

To remove the door box, it is enough to cut it in the center. To do this, use a hacksaw. To simplify the process of removing the box, saw it at an angle of forty -five degrees.

If there is a threshold in the opening, then it is also recommended to cut it. Use scrap to remove the threshold. To open cash, use an ax and hammer,

Installation and dismantling of doors is a very complex process, performing which it is necessary to clearly follow the technology, otherwise, problems with the destruction of the doorway may arise.

Dismantling and installing interior doors is carried out according to this principle. In the presence of a doorway made from a steel profile, wooden beams are used to enhance it, which are installed inside the profile, before fixing the box.

Before starting the installation of a new door, it is necessary to complete the flooring work. Since in the end you can lose with the height of the threshold and it will be uncomfortable. The optimal gap between the box and the wall is 20 mm. When collecting a door box, try to connect all the parts with each other in compliance with the angle of forty -five degrees.

How to dismantle a metal door

All work on the dismantling of the iron door begins with the removal of the door leafs. To do this, you should examine the loops of the doors and, in a ratio with their type, disassemble them. If the loops are collapsible, then open the door wide enough and lift it.

If the door is equipped with not collapsible loops, then it is enough to twist the screws with which they are fastened to the box. If the door box is made of metal, then its dismantling is complicated compared to ordinary wooden doors.

Initially, you should pull out and unscrew all the fasteners available on the door. The following is the process of dismantling the paintings and boxes. For these purposes, a grinder will come in handy, which are sawn up and remove the fasteners.

After the dismantling of the front door is performed, it is installed. The front door is installed in the opening in such a way that it is at the same level with the outer wall. Fasteners are fixed in the wall using specially installed plates with small holes.

As fasteners, an anchor bolts about 12-15 mm long are used. The option of replacing them with steel rods, trimming reinforcement or other metal elements is possible. They are flared up or welded on a steel box using a welding machine. To make welding, the presence of a mounting gap, which is 1.5-2 cm.

The second option for installing a metal door involves its installation deep into the doorway. For this, the minimum wall thickness, in which the door is installed should be about 15 cm. The box is fixed using a metal wire or anchor bolts. In the absence of mounting holes on the surface of the door frame, build them yourself using the door and nozzles for working with metal. In this case, the technological gap is from 0.5 to 1.5 cm. After determining the optimal method of fixing the door box, the installation process follows. For these purposes, it will require the presence of plastic or wooden wedges, 2-3 mm thick than a technological gap. They allow you to correctly and evenly install the box.

Next, a stand is installed on which the loops are mounted. Follow the evenness of its installation. The stand is fixed using screws, the holes for which are also made independently. After lubricating the loops, the door leaf is installed. Metal balls are installed inside the loop, on which the door leaf is hung. Next, installation of accessories is made. After that, the castle stand is aligned, the door is covered in such a way that a gap of no more than two millimeters forms between it and the canvas. The castle stand is fixed using bolts or pins. The box is pasted with a painting tape, and the opening is moistened with a spray gun.

Install a cylinder in which there is a mounting foam into the cylinder and process the surface of the doorway in such a way as to get rid of technological clearances. At the expiration of the foam completely dried, get rid of excess and protruding parts. Next, the platbands are installed, the door is checked for performance.

Dismantling the door of the video:





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