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Gate lock: Features of choice

The castle installed on the gate allows you to protect the residents of the house from a sudden invasion of strangers. In the process of choosing a lock for a gate, one should take into account the material from which it is made, the individual characteristics of the house and the preferences of the owners. We will consider how to choose a lock for a gate.

Table of contents:

  1. Gate lock: functional features and varieties
  2. Characterization of an electromagnetic and electromechanical lock for a gate
  3. Castle on the gate photo and recommendations for choice
  4. Installation of overhead locks on the gate
  5. Features of installing cut locks for gate

Gate lock: functional features and varieties

After installing the gate, an equally important process follows - the choice of the castle - a reliable support that will protect the house from unauthorized intrusions.

Among the main types of locks for the gate, devices are distinguished:

  • rack type;
  • hinged type;
  • Small type;
  • overhead type;
  • code type;
  • magnetic type.

The first option was popular about 20 years ago. Now such locks are practically not installed on gates. Their composition contains a bolt that moves in design from fixing loops. Moreover, these loops must be welded directly to the gate.

The use of this lock is possible only from the inside, it is not reliable and low operational characteristics. To hack such a lock, it is enough to stick a scrap into the gap between the gate and the lock. In addition, for locking, large keys that are inconvenient to carry with you are used. To open the lock should work hard.

The second option is a hinged castle, the most reliable and simple way to protect the home. For the installation of such a lock, the presence of loops previously welded to the gate is necessary.

Among the advantages of such castles are noted:

  • simplicity;
  • reliability of use;
  • Available cost.

The disadvantage of hinged locks is the need to fix them only from one side of the gate. In addition, if the lock is installed on the outside, then it will be easier to hack. The inconvenience of using such a castle makes it not popular among castles for the gate.

Tip: If you still decide to use a hinged lock for a gate, then choose models whose shape is streamlined, in addition, it should be located an element in the form of a shut -off finger. For the manufacture of such mechanisms, hardened steel is used, which is resistant to external stimuli, and the streamlined geometric form reduces the risk of hacking such a lock.

The patch lock on the gate is of the highest popularity, for the installation of a patch lock, it is necessary to install it from the inside of the gate. When choosing castles of this type, you should give preference to mechanisms that are capable of open from the inside of the gate using the key.

In addition, attention should be paid to constipation, which is the main mechanism for regulating the opening of the lock. In the process of opening the gate, the bolt is moved out of the case, when closing - it is pushed into inside.

Please note that the quality of the lock and its reliability depend on the number of rods in the form of a cylinder that are on constipation. The service life of such locks is quite high, so they are quite popular for installation in gates.

False locks are:

  • cylindrical;
  • Suvaldov.

The installation of each of them has its own characteristics. The first option has a special code system, which is highly resistant to hacking, and the presence of armored carriers minimizes the risk of breaking this device.

With the help of a leaf, it is also possible to provide reliable protection of the gate from the opening. The basis of this lock contains special plates, figure, thanks to this, locks are distinguished by the following advantages:

  • high protection of the mechanism from hacking;
  • the presence of armor linings;
  • a complex form of leaf mechanisms;
  • the impossibility of hacking;
  • compact dimensions;
  • increased degree of strength.

The inher castle for the gate is similar to the invoice, however, the front bar is required to fix it on the gate. The strength of the entire castle depends on its quality. The bar should be very tight on the surface, otherwise, hacking such a castle will not be difficult. Small locks are a great option for a lock on a gate from corrugated board. Keep in mind that the main factor in the long -term service of the mortise lock is to ensure its waterproofing, and since the gate is sheathed on both sides by corrugated board, moisture, practically does not fall into the castle.

The magnetic lock on the gate is primarily distinguished by convenience and reliability, on such a lock there are no moving elements. To install the lock, you need a small amount of time and effort. The castle contains an anchor plate installed in the gate, and on the second part of the lock there is an electric magnet fixed on the surface of the box. To open the lock, the presence of a special magnetic key is necessary, the cipher of which should coincide with the lock.

The use of a code lock on the gate is characterized by convenience and reliability, since it does not need a key to open it. To enter the courtyard, it is necessary to introduce a special combination. To open this lock from the inside, just press on a special lever or button.

Characterization of an electromagnetic and electromechanical lock for a gate

This type of lock is also called code, in reliability they surpass all locks. The castle contains a bolt mechanism and a panel of devices. To open or close the gate, the introduction of a special code is required.

The reliability of these locks is explained by the possibility of changing code. Among the disadvantages of electromechanical locks, the need should be highlighted in the presence of electricity that ensures their operation. It is possible to buy a device with an electric battery, however, for its performance, you should constantly monitor the level of charging.

You can replace the battery only from the inside of the gate, which means that at the moment when it is discharged into the house it will be very difficult. To hack such a castle, very expensive equipment is required, which does not yet guarantee a positive result in the selection of code.

In addition, there is another variety of an electromechanical lock, to remove the encoding of which an electric signal is required.

Electronic locks on a magnetic type gate are most often found on the door at the entrance of a multi -storey building. However, their use for the gate is also possible. They contain a magnetic key and a locking mechanism. The key is characterized by the presence of the same magnetic field as present on the lock, their coincidence is driven by the locking mechanism.

To hack such a castle, special equipment is required, although they are easier to hack them than code.

The principle of operation of the radio wave is similar to the alarm of the car. If we consider all locks from their reliability, then this type of lock is the most stable before hacking. To open it, you must have vast experience in the radio engineering industry. Although the installation of this equipment requires special experience and skills.

Castle on the gate photo and recommendations for choice

The procedure for choosing the type of lock for a gate requires special seriousness, since the gate is in the open space and under the constant influence of external stimuli.

In addition, dust, moisture, and dirt falls into the castle, this in its manufacture of poor -quality materials leads to the appearance of corrosion and its spoilage.

Among the castle for a mechanical type gate, it is best to give preference to a false or a mortise slurry castle. It is this device that is the best option for installation on the street, since this castle is not afraid of either frost or high humidity.

In addition, pay attention to compactness. Make sure that the lock does not take up a lot of space on the gate and that the keys are not too large and uncomfortable during transportation.

Check the materials from which the castle is made, they must meet all the requirements and standards of product quality. In addition, it is necessary to check the opening and closing of the castle in the store. If certain difficulties occur, you should not buy such a lock.

The type of lock, which should be selected for a particular gate, depends on the functional load.

In order to buy a lock on the gate, you should only contact specialized stores in which experienced sellers will help you choose the product, in accordance with your personal preferences. On the lock on the gate, the price is determined by the type of lock itself, its quality and the level of multifunctionality. Do not buy cheap low -quality locks, since after time they will break and have to spend money on the lock again. It is better to buy a more expensive and high -quality castle model. The castle of the intercom Gurts will allow not only to protect the house from an extraneous invasion, but will also inform its owner, who came to visit.

We offer to get acquainted with the tips that will help in choosing a lock lock:

  • The quality of the assembly of the lock determines its service life, with an external examination of the device, it must have a tightly closed case, it should not be present too large cracks and slot, since there is a risk of moisture in the castle;
  • Checking the performance of the mechanism - in the process of turning the keys, it must move smoothly, without a baking or sealing;
  • If it is planned to purchase an electromechanical type castle, then it is necessary to take care of the fact that the protective corrugation was attached to it, which ensures the insulation of the cable, thus, it will be possible to significantly increase the service life of the lock;
  • All of the keys that go in configuration, check for performance.

Installation of overhead locks on the gate

1. Before starting work, you should familiarize yourself with the instructions for installing the lock, which is attached to it.

2. Next, the marking of the place on which the installation will be carried out should be carried out. In addition, it is necessary to mark the place in which the fastening and larva of the lock will be located.

3. In the ratio with markings, make holes, drill. For these purposes, use the drill on the metal of the corresponding diameter. The hole for the larva must be determined depending on its size.

4. Next follows the procedure for fixing the lock itself. In addition, do not forget to attach the handles going in the configuration.

5. Keep in mind that with the external opening of the gate, this type of lock is not convenient to operate.

Features of installing cut locks for gate

For clarity, we propose to consider the option of installing a smash lock on a gate made of two sheets of metal profile. Installation instructions:

1. To begin with, you should take care of the construction of a metal box welded to the door frame in advance.

2. If the design is based on a steel pipe with a large diameter, then the procedure is simplified.

3. Before starting the lock of the lock, work should be carried out on the marking of its location. For this, in the end areas of the previously built box, the lock mechanism is installed. In addition, one should not forget about the butt areas.

4. Next, it is necessary to cut the hole for the installation of the lock, in addition, the points should be marked that will fix the lock on the surface.

5. For their arrangement, use the electric drill. At the next stage of the work, a niche is equipped with a larva, keep in mind that all measurements should be carried out with particular caution.

6. If a handle is planned to be installed on the castle, then for its installation, you should also equip a niche.

7. Direct installation work consist of the installation of the case to the groove, installation of the larva, fixation of the lock with screws.

8. The rod is mounted in the already installed design for the handle. Most often, it differs in the presence of a square section, the fixation of the rod is carried out by self -tapping screws.

9. In the installed castle, the handle is fixed using protracted bolts, then the entire system is checked for performance.

Castle on the Video gate:





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