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Daching house roof repair

The roof provides a house protection from precipitation and bad weather. For the roof of country houses, slate or roofing material, which wear out quite quickly and become unusable, was traditionally chosen. This leads to constant leaks in the ceiling and on the walls, as well as to the formation of fungus and mold. In order to return the rest in nature, previous comfort and positive emotions, at the first signs of wear of roofing material, to repair the roof of the country house.


  1. Roofing the roof of the summer house covered with slate
  2. Repair of the roof of a country house covered with roofing material
  3. Perestroika of the roof of the country house


The complexity of the repair of the roof of the country house will depend on the degree of its wear and the nature of the damage. Sometimes it is enough to make a patch, but often you have to resort to the complete reconstruction of the roof of the country house with the replacement of the rafters.

As already mentioned, most summer cottages built during the Soviet Union have a roof covered with roofing material.

This material was available, it was cheap, and styling and repair did not require special skills, which allowed all the work on their own. But his service life did not exceed 10 years. The second, more durable material, was slate.

It is popular now, thanks to a low cost. This is its only advantage, since under the influence of the environment, moss forms on it, and over time the slate is thinned and destroyed. This leads to leaks, and to decay of wooden rafter beams and crate.


Roofing the roof of the summer house covered with slate


Any roof covered with slate, after 15-20 years, will require mandatory repairs. Fortunately, it is quite simple, and it can be fulfilled independently.

At first, the degree of damage to the roof should be objectively assessed. With minor destruction, it is enough to make patches, without dismantling the sheets of slate. With more serious problems, you can not do without replacing the material, but this work will not cause difficulties.

Before starting the repair, the roof is cleaned of garbage and dirt. It is easiest to do this by pouring water from the hose or cleaning the repaired area by hand. For the repair of a cottage roof from the slate, a special mixture is required, consisting of PVA glue, asbestos (fluffed) and a brand cement not lower than M300.

It is prepared as follows:

  • 3 parts of asbestos are thoroughly mixed with 2 parts of cement;
  • water with PVA glue in a proportion of 1: 1 is added to the dry mixture. Constantly mixing, it is necessary to achieve the consistency of thick sour cream.

Tip: Asbest can be prepared independently by rubbing the sheet material on a fine grater. All work is necessarily carried out in a worker and gloves.


Method for repairing patches


This method allows you to extend the operational period of the roof for about 5 years. All work is carried out only in dry and cloudy weather, to ensure a slower drying of the repair solution.

Initially, a section of the slate is primed, which requires repair. To do this, PVA glue is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3. The second and last step is to fill in damage to the repair mixture. It is necessary to apply several layers so that the thickness of the patch as a result is at least 2 mm.

Speaker sheet replacement method


Stages of work:

  • the old coating is dismantled and the condition of the crate and rafters is evaluated. If necessary, they should be replaced;

  • for better tightness, a layer of roofing material or any other more modern waterproofing material is laid on the crate;
  • now the laying of slate sheets begins. The work is carried out diagonally from the lower corner to the opposite upper corner of the roof. This method provides geometrically correct styling and the necessary overlap of sheets on each other.

Tip: Roof work should be carried out in compliance with safety precautions. You can take climbing equipment for the time of repair work.


The nuances of working with slate:

  • horizontal overlap is made at least in the width of one wave;
  • the second row of sheets is placed on the first with a shipment of at least 10 cm;
  • if necessary, cut the sheets, a grinder with a diamond disk is used;
  • to attach the slate to the crate, special nails are used. They are driven only into the crest of the waves.



Repair of the roof of a country house covered with roofing material


Repair of small roof defects from roofing roof is also carried out by applying patches.

First of all, the roof at the repair site is cleaned of garbage, old mastic and is well dried. Then a mixture for repair is prepared, consisting of hot bitumen mastic, sawdust and sand. After mixing, it is immediately applied to problem areas, and a cutting from roofing material cut out in size is placed on top.

For more serious repair, it will be necessary to carefully prepare its surface. By releasing at the factory rolls, it is covered on both sides with special crumbs preventing gluing. But when repairing the roof, this sprinkle only interferes, so it should be removed independently before applying mastic. Such manipulations provide a more strong gluing roofing material to the surface. In order to remove this powder, a solar oil is applied to a sheet of roofing material with a brush or brush. After that, it is easily cleaned with a spatula, and the material itself is made more elastic and supple.

In the case when the roof has a serious hole to the base, another repair method is used. A damaged place is cut crosswise like an envelope. Having turned off the corners, all moisture, dirt and old mastic from under the material are removed.

The base is smeared with mastic and a patch is laid. Mastic is also applied to the bent sides of the roofing material, they are straightened and carefully smoothed. The damage is filled with a repair mixture and a second patch is glued on top. On top of it, a putty is also applied, with exit beyond the edges by at least 10 cm.

Of great importance, in the alteration of the roof of the country house from roofing material, has the correct application of mastic. It is applied with a thin and even layer with brushes or hard brushes. If it is necessary to apply to a small area, it is permissible to use a spatula. Stilled patches are carefully smoothed and sprinkled with sand on top of the mastic, protecting it from exposure to sunlight. In the case when the patch begins to swell or fits loosely, it is sprinkled with a thick layer of sand, and a load is placed on top, pressing it tightly. After solving mastic, the load is removed, and excess sand is removed.

If the roof roof on the roof does not have a hook, but only covered with small cracks, it is simply dried and covered with a layer of bitumen mastic. The price of repair of the roof of the country house will depend on the amount of material spent, on average 1 m2 of roof goes 1.2 kg of mastic.


Perestroika of the roof of the country house


A complete reconstruction of summer cottages is necessary in several cases. When the roof and the rafter system are damaged so that a simple repair cannot be dispensed with. And also when changing the shape of the roof or remaking the attic in the living attic.

Such works can already be called a repair, rather this is construction. Often, when to remake the roof of the chopped house you have to change the upper crown of logs, and the brick Mauerlata. The complete dismantling of the entire roofing material and the rafter system cannot be avoided. The greatest difficulty when replacing the roof of an already residential building is the protection of the interior from natural influences. The output can serve as a phased construction when small areas are dismantled and immediately replaced by new ones. But in any case, all roofing should be performed in dry weather. And the repair of the roof of country houses is more rational to be carried out in the winter season.

Roof reconstruction is responsible, it is very important to correctly calculate the load that will be on the old walls of the house. Therefore, the calculation and design is best entrusted to professionals.



Roofs of country houses photo





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Anonymous ( fast registration on the site)

The uncle who wrote it -

The uncle who wrote this is a water carrier that has never repaired the roofs in principle.
From the point of view of pros, this article is the nonsense of the blue mare, no offense.