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With your own hands

The bulk roof is usually used in the construction of household and industrial buildings, for which the main factors are excellent protective and strength properties of the roof, and not the aesthetics of shape and beauty. However, it is possible to arrange such a roof in housing construction on operated roofs and roofs of complex configuration, as it has a lot of advantages. But first things first.


  1. Features of using a mastic roof
  2. The advantages of the bulk roof
  3. Varieties of a bulk roof
  4. With your own hands

Features of using a mastic roof

Mastic roof is a polymer membrane, which is formed directly on the roof. This is one- or two-component composition. It is applied to the plane of the roof. Then it occurs. After that, the composition looks like rubber and acquires monolist. Polymer mastics show excellent adhesion to the metal surface, concrete and bitumen.

Mastic roof is widely used in the field of industrial and housing construction. Most often it is chosen in such cases:

  1. Different materials are used to create a bulk roof. Depending on this, the liquid roof can withstand a large load. Therefore, it can be successfully used to arrange an operational roof. In this case, on the roof itself, you can make a parking lot, break the garden, arrange a place of rest, etc.
  2. Mastic materials are used to restore the soft roof.
  3. With the help of polymer mastics, you can successfully arrange the sections of roofing to spills. Also, adjoins are made to chimney and ventilation ducts. Parapet and anti -aircraft lights will not be an exception. And you can equip the outputs on the roof of various pipes with mastic material. They do not need to cut out the measurements and gluing the material. Just apply to the surface.
  4. Often there is a need to install a waterproofing coating on the balcony. Also, a bulk roof can be used visors.
  5. It should be especially careful about the creation of a roof on industrial buildings. In this case, bulk roofs will also come to the rescue. And they are useful when it is impossible to use fire when working, and on ordinary bitumen roofs.
  6. And it should also be noted the value of bulk roofs when arranging roofs, which differ in a complex shape.

The advantages of the bulk roof

Roofing materials of rolled type, which are used for the erection of roofs, are quite inferior in terms of technical characteristics of the bulk roof. They have a shorter service life, roofs are less effectively protected from moisture, which accumulates in bad weather, are not able to withstand large mechanical loads. The bulk roof, in turn, has the following advantages:

  1. Monolithic design. The absence of microcracks, seams, joints, overlap makes the surface more reliable in terms of waterproofing. This is a big plus if there are many complex roofing elements on the roof.
  2. You can apply such mastics to objects where it is not allowed for a number of various reasons to use fire when working on blood. Roofing coatings in rolls can be laid on these objects, but mastic is still required for gluing. You will have to remove the film and first burn, that is, everything provokes cash costs.
  3. Excellent elasticity at temperature mode from minus 50 degrees to plus 100 degrees. At the same time, mastic roofs withstand high deformations of the base without tears and exfoliations. To that she is not inherent in softening. Also, the bulk roof perfectly hides cracks.
  4. Easy to detect leaks. Of course, the bulk roof can be damaged. But the leak is always localized. You will find it quite simply. The leaks on the roll roof are hard to determine.
  5. The technology of the bulk roof allows it to equip it in complex areas. This applies to drains, mines and vertical sites. Rolled materials need complex cutting and special sequence of work.
  6. High strength. And if you still want to increase the strength of the coating, then you can use sprinkling or glass-net between the applied layers, which is inexpensive material.
  7. It is allowed to apply mastic materials to a moisturized surface. Roll material cannot be applied to such a roof. In the best option, a quick peeling of the coating will occur. And such defects are quite easy to detect. The bulk roof demonstrates high adhesion to many materials.
  8. The possibility of joint use with rolled roofing materials. Using mastic materials, you can glue roller coatings. You can also repair the roof, restore the old roof. Only you will need to pre -cut all the swelling and areas, which are poorly fixed.
  9. Great waterproofing. The heating roof shows excellent adhesive properties. Thanks to this, such a roof can be used as a waterproofing layer of a coating type. Waterproofing can be done from the inside and outside the rooms. In this case, roller materials are not so effective.
  10. Light weight. The bulk roof does not have a large load on the ceilings. After all, the coating in the consumption of material is about 1.6-2.1 kilograms per square meter in a thickness of 1.5-2 millimeters.
  11. Simplicity of application. When arranging a bulk roof, there is no need to make a complex cutting of the material, adhere to a certain sequence of baking and additional creation of the necessary reinforcing layers. According to reviews of the bulk roof, a special spray technology makes it possible to carry out work in an area of \u200b\u200bup to 600 square meters. You can paint the roofing surfaces that are treated with polyurethane mastic after curing with enamels and paints.
  12. The speed of adhesion. The technology of the bulk roof makes it possible to create a strong adhesion in half a minute after application. And after half an hour it is possible to make some load and move if necessary along the roof.
  13. High resistance to environmental factors. The bulk roof demonstrates good resistance to ultraviolet radiation. It is resistant to frequent temperature differences, not afraid of acid rain. She doesn’t care different oils, gasoline, alkalis and salty water. It is also stable to microorganisms and aggressive environments. In this case, primary mechanical properties are preserved. It is advisable to equip these roofs for regions with severe climatic conditions.
  14. The democratic price of a bulk roof. Such a mastic roof can very noticeably reduce work costs, as it is associated with a high level of mechanization. Therefore, much less labor cost of laying is much less compared to other methods by 5-10 times.

The bulk roof is practically deprived of flaws. The only thing is quite difficult to equip the bulk roof of a certain thickness. Especially if you work on an uneven surface. Or when the roof has a large slope.

Varieties of a bulk roof

Mastic roofs are divided by the method of device into combined, reinforced and uninhabited. Each variety has unique properties:

  • Reinforced bulk roof consists of several layers. This is a continuous layer of polymer-bitumen emulsion. It contains a grid or reinforced fiberglass, as shown in the photo of the bulk roof.
  • An uninhabited roof is a continuous coating. It consists of mastic and emulsion materials. These substances are applied directly to the base of the roof. Its thickness is up to 1 centimeter. The first layer is a thin film of great elasticity. Apply a film hot. To do this, use a sprayer. When the film is cooling, a waterproof coating appears. Further laying of the following layers of mastic is performed on top.
  • The combined roof consists of several layers. This is polymer mastic and roller waterproofing materials. The upper layer is represented by stone chips, gravel. Also, waterproof paint can be applied from above. Along with this, the cheap lower layer is represented by cheap materials in rolls. In this case, the upper layer is considered reinforced.

With your own hands

The basis for arranging a polymer roof can be wood, concrete slab, cement-sand screed, metal, asbestos-cement sheets, roller roof materials. Liquid bulk roofs are made on roofs with different bias:

  • In terms of economy, the optimal roof slope is 2.5%. In this situation, there is a minimum consumption of a substance, since it does not flow down the edges. In addition, labor costs are much less, because on a flat surface it is safer and easier to move to workers. On an unexploited roof with a small slope, you can not carry out reinforcement.
  • With a roof slope from 2.5% to 25%, reinforcement of a liquid roof is required in order to avoid running out of the slope of molten material.
  • If the roof slopes are more than 25%, usually the device of bulk roofs is not produced. But still, there are some polymeric materials on sale that are suitable for such roofs.

The instructions for the installation of a bulk roof with your own hands are presented below:

  1. When applying polymer mastics, you need to adhere to a certain working regime. The air temperature during operation should be 5-30 degrees above zero. This work cannot be carried out with dew (moisture) on the basis or during rain.
  2. The base for the roof, whether it is concrete or metal, should be mandatory even. Before starting the device of the bitumen-polymer roof, it is necessary to carefully clean it of dirt, debris, dust and dry well. In some cases, the surface is primed with a special cement-sand mortar.
  3. For better adhesion of polymeric materials, a primer-bitumer can be applied to the roof base, which is dissolved in kerosene. When using latex emulsions made on a bitumen basis, the primer is made without coagulators.
  4. As a material for creating a bulk roof, cold latex and hot bitumen mastic, as well as bitumen-response, is used.
  5. The first protective layer is made of hot mastic, which includes asbestos, stone crumbs or small gravel. When erecting a new roof, the consumption of materials is approximately 8 kilograms of mastic per square area, and with additional waterproofing or repairing the old roof, the consumption is no more than 4 kilograms per square meter.
  6. Mixing the components of the bulk roof is carried out using an electric drill, which has a lobed blade. It should be borne in mind that the application of the substance must be done immediately after mixing the ingredients, since the composition begins to quickly thicken and cool. Therefore, knead as much as you can use.
  7. The roof device from such materials begins with the location of grooves and spillled funnels, that is, the lowest places and areas, regarding the level of the roof, as shown in the video about the bulk roof.
  8. To arrange a bulk roof, you can use the device designed to spray with a uniform layer to the surface of the roof. You can also just wave a brush or roller into a container in which the material is mixed, and then color the base. And you can pour the mass on the surface of the roof, and then with the help of a roller and spatula evenly distribute.
  9. The following layers are applied after the first layer hardens. Between the layers, the laying of reinforcing material is performed if the chosen technology requires you. In this case, it is necessary to observe the thickness of each layer that does not exceed 2 mm.
  10. After that, the reinforcing material is neatly leveled and a hot polymer-bitumen composition is poured over it, which soaks fiberglass well and is securely glued to the base. After solidifying the reinforcing layer, the following layers of mastic can be applied, depending on the selected technology.
  11. At the final stage, stone crumbs or gravel is poured on hot mastic, creating a protective layer. To increase the reflective abilities, the surface can be painted with a spectacular composition based on solvents.
  12. In addition, the edge of the roof should be additionally strengthened by a 500-600-mm layer of mastic and reinforcing material. The cornice is covered with a glass of galvanized steel.

Thus, mastic materials are widely used in construction work. They are intended for use on flat concrete roofs, convenient when arranging a roof on outbuildings and operated roofs, repairing old roofs from slate, metal and soft roofs, and the execution of the junction. The cost of a bulk roof will not hit you, and at the same time you will get a strong, reliable and durable roof with a high level of waterproofing and wear resistance.





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