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Browbreak - reliable insulation of a log house

Breeding of a log house is an important stage in the construction of a residential building

Particular attention in the process of building a residential building, baths and other structures is paid to insulation work. Of course, such work implies financial expenses and time expenses, however, they are incommensurable with expenses for the creation of an additional heating system. In rooms built from logs, you can effectively maintain heat, filling the seams and corners of the log house with heat -insulating material. Such a process is called hempor hemp.



  1. Breeding of a log house is an important stage in the construction of a residential building
  2. How to heated a hut technology for hemp work
  3. Breeding of a log house: Methods and features of the process
  4. Materials for hemp


The hemp is a log house

No construction can do without hemp. The thing is that the logs laid on each other form voids and gaps, which, although insignificant, require filling with warming materials. In addition, the building from logs over time begins to settle and dry out, forming hollow areas. Thanks to these slots, the heated room will lose heat every minute and cool down. Warm air mass, finding herself in conditions of negative temperatures, forms hoarfrost, settling a thin layer on logs. It is not worth reminding that frost is damp and humidity, which has a pernicious effect on the condition of the tree. That is why it is impossible to underestimate the role of hemp, it remains only to deal with the technology of hemp and the materials used.

How to heated a log house technology

In order for the hemp to be of high quality, experts strongly advise to conduct it twice - the first time that a log log house was created, and again a year later, when the log house partially sits down and reveals the voids and cracks. Over the next 4-5 years, the third hemp is performed, fixing the thermal insulation effect to the end.

By the way, the optimal result can only be obtained by conducting a hemp on the internal and outside of the building. It should be remembered that such a technology of insulation involves an insignificant (only 5-7 cm) lifting hook. Therefore, most often the room is cone in front of the final finishing work. It should be noted that it is a hemp can be aligned with a slight skew of the log house.

Konophamitam indoors

Important! Hemp work, starting from the lower layers, is performed around the entire perimeter of the log log. As noted earlier, laying thermal insulation material can slightly increase the height of the log house, which means that hemp should be started from the lower layers, leisurely moving around the entire perimeter of the house. It is enough to break this rule, performing wall insulation separately, and you risk becoming owners of a distorted house or building.

The hemp starts from the lower rows

And yet, the hemp at the house implies compliance with a strict sequence of actions: first of all, the external cavities and voids around the perimeter are subject to insulation, then the log house should be darked inside the room. Further, work on warming the cracks of the subsequent row continues on the street, then we return to the room again.

Breeding of a log house: Methods and features of the process

Experts distinguish between two types of hemp logs: insignificant and narrow cracks between the logs are insulated using the method of rudder, wide gaps are often heated into a into a into a intole.

Konophazing of the Lights

This method of hemp consists in the formation of a strand of warming material, which is then applied to the gaps of fibers across and pushed inward with a hand or using a special shovel of hemp. At the same time, the work is carried out in such a way that 4-6 cm of material remains on the surface of the log house. Then a roller is formed from the palet, wrap it in the remaining edge of the insulation, tightly pressed to the gap and reliably clog with a hammer.

Konophazing of the Lights

Konophazing Innobe

This option of insulation implies the manufacture of long strands from the pack, which are further wrapped. Then, leisurely unwinding it, they clog the dad in the cracks and voids with a hemp. At the same time, the variant of hemp from the paclies roll long strands, which are wrapped in a ball. The ball is used to set a loop that pushes into voids. It should be noted that all cracks have different sizes and volume, which means that you will have to independently adjust the required thickness of the rope using turns or elementary twisting.

Important! First, the seal should be scored in the upper part of the gap, then in the lower. In this case, the dimensions of the gaps determine the number of driven loops. And remember that the seam becomes even and neat if it is compacted with a special tool called the roadroteur.

And finally, no matter what method of hemp, you would use, pay special attention to the corners of the building or structure. The corners are the most inaccessible place, requiring caution and careful insulation.

  Konophaatim corners        

Approach the hemp process with all seriousness and responsibility, since after a while plots can be pulled out by a poorly clogged tourniquet, and the resulting voids will become a corridor for heat leakage.

Now you know the methods and technological features of the hemp of the log house, which means that you will not make mistakes, the consequences of which can be very sad. Warm your house according to the rules, and your house will be filled with comfort and hospitality.

Materials for hemp

Realizing the need for hemp, think about what is better to hemp the log house. Not so long ago, builders used to warm moss, pacli and felt, but they all have significant drawbacks: they absorb moisture, rot and destroy.

Today you can find more modern heater: jute and Lnovatin made from natural components and having excellent technical parameters.

Consider them in more detail


Jute insulation This is a material of plant origin, brought to us from India, Kazakhstan and China. Jueta fiber is characterized by strength and reliability, good spinning properties and low hygroscopicity. As studies show with an increase in the humidity of the environment to 80%, juts absorb no more than 20% moisture, and the touch will remain dry.

The jute fiber, which manufacturers so temptingly advise, very loses to pure jute in quality and reliability: the felt of the linen and jute can rot with time, its strength is small, and thermal insulation leaves much to be desired. In addition, jute fiber favorite treat of moths.


Lnovatin This is a material for insulation, made from flaxseed waste and supplied in the form of a tape intended for laid in a log house. Lnovatin includes the smallest linen dust with short fibers. In terms of density, this insulation is no different with jute, but the fibers are more rigid and elastic.

Konophazing by Lnovatin

These are all the main points that can help you properly and effectively insulate a residential building, bath or other structure.

As it may seem, hemp is a simple activity that can be fulfilled to any person who is not prepared. However, the hemp is quite laborious, which involves the presence of experience and specialized skills, so not every layman will take up the insulation of cracks and gaps, taking away strength and time. More often they turn to the teams of specialists for help.

Hemp insulation

That is why the hemp is considered a rather expensive service, however, despite the high cost, few of the owners of the houses decide to conduct insulation on their own. Most often, specialists resort to help.

We think that watching a video that reveals the features of the hemp cutting process will be very useful and relevant for those who only plan or already build a bath, a residential building and other structures made of natural wood.





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Anonymous ( fast registration on the site)

it seems that everything is on the contrary at first

it seems that everything is on the contrary, first, the seam will first be the seam from the inside with it from the inside and so on the whole log house, and you write everything in contamination, why?