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DIY pipe foundation

The construction of any capital building is preceded by the construction of the foundation on which it will be equipped. Among the variety of foundations, the foundation of pipes is quite popular. Since it is this foundation that is perfect for the construction of small buildings in the form of one -story houses, garages or outbuildings. We will talk about the features of building the foundation from pipes further.

Table of contents:

  1. Pipic foundation: features, advantages and disadvantages
  2. Column foundation of pipes: types and their characteristic
  3. How to make a foundation from pipes: the initial stage
  4. Asbestos pipes as the basis for the foundation
  5. Erection of foundation from plastic pipes
  6. Column foundation from pipes with your own hands: Metal pipes
  7. Strengthening and cost of the foundation from pipes

Pipic foundation: features, advantages and disadvantages

The main feature of the foundation of their pipes is the process of its construction. In appearance, this foundation resembles a certain number of pillars located from each other with an interval of 150-300 cm. Pillars are located on the corner areas of the building and at the intersection of the supporting walls.

Among the main advantages of the foundation from pipes, it should be noted a brief time for its construction and a rather low cost. In addition, a column foundation requires very little concrete solution and reinforcing bars. If we compare the foundation of pipes with a tape type, then for the construction of the first you do not need to dig a pit and spend time and money for this, just drill small wells.

Subject to all technologies for arranging the foundation from pipes, it will acquire a fairly decent strength and will serve for a long time.

Keep in mind that the arrangement of such a foundation does not imply the presence of a basement in the house. In addition, it is better to build the foundation of pipes in the areas of slopes or on weak soils.

For the manufacture of supporting pillars, various kinds of building materials are used, such as concrete, metal, asbestos cement, brick, wood. The most strong are the foundations based on concrete or asbestos cement.

Among their advantages, we highlight:

  • the highest level of strength;
  • Distribution to spreading;
  • speed of work.

The foundation of pipes gained popularity due to its simplicity of arrangement, less costly physical efforts and affordable cost. As the main material, pipes are used for its construction. In addition, the construction of such a foundation does not require expensive equipment, the use of ordinary drill, concrete mixers and improvised tools is enough.

Among the advantages of the foundation from the pipes we highlight:

  • a decrease in the total cost of the construction of the foundation and physical efforts to conduct this process, if you compare the costs of arranging a monolithic foundation, then they will be twice as higher;
  • almost complete lack of land in the form of digging a pit and alignment of the soil;
  • the speed of the construction of the foundation and the absence of the need to wait for the solidification of concrete, etc.;
  • The prevention of flooding, since the main building is 25-30 cm above the ground;
  • The ease of communication systems.

Despite this, the construction of the foundation from pipes is distinguished by such shortcomings:

  • the presence of a small load -bearing load, so the arrangement of such a foundation becomes possible only during the construction of small one -story buildings;
  • low duration of operation, which does not exceed 85 years;
  • lack of the ability to build a basement, which is located at the bottom of the building;
  • Such a foundation is not suitable for areas that have too high height drops or mobile soils.

Column foundation of pipes: types and their characteristic

In relation to the type of pipes that are used in the construction of a column foundation, it happens:

  • from asbestos -cement pipes;
  • from concrete pipes;
  • plastic pipes;
  • from metal pipes;
  • from wood.

The foundation of asbestos pipes is characterized by the highest strength, among their advantages they highlight:

  • The arrangement of the foundation does not need additional expenses for the construction of formwork for pouring concrete, unlike concrete pipes;
  • In addition, a sand-gravel pillow, pit or trench is not equipped under them;
  • For the installation of pipes, equipment or special equipment is not needed;
  • The affordable cost of asbestos can reduce the cost of arranging the foundation.

Disadvantages of the foundation from asbestos -cement pipes:

  • the inadmissibility of use in buildings that differ in an increased degree of load;
  • unsafe for humans;
  • low service life, about 65 years.

Among the advantages of the foundation from concrete piles are highlighted:

  • stability before chemicals;
  • Such piles are stable before corrosion;
  • lack of defects, since in the manufacture of concrete of high brand and good quality is used;
  • lack of need for land.

The construction of the foundation from plastic pipes has the following advantages:

  • high level of reliability;
  • stability before corrosion;
  • harmlessness for humans, in contrast to pipes made of asbestos.

Such pipes are used as a foundation exclusively for light buildings, in the form of outbuildings. For the construction of the foundation, sewer pipes are used for the foundation.

The construction of the foundation from metal pipes is distinguished by the following advantages:

  • high strength level;
  • stability before cracking;
  • The speed of installation.

Among the shortcomings of the use of metal for the construction of the foundation, it should be noted first of all its instability before corrosion and gradual destruction as a result of this process.

Wooden pillars installed for arranging the foundation are also able to withstand a decent load, but they are unstable before moisture, which is in the ground. Over time, such supports begin to rot and destroy.

How to make a foundation from pipes: the initial stage

Before starting work, determine the depth at which the soil lies, for this, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • soil freezing depth;
  • the presence and depth of groundwater;
  • characteristic of soils on the site;
  • The total mass of the building.

First, the site is marking, the drilling depth and the number of poles are accurately calculated. Further, using a gasoline or manual drill, you should make wells, under the installation of pipes.

The interval between the pipes is about two meters. Keep in mind that the supports should be present at the corners and places of intersection of the walls is mandatory. The drilling depth should be 300 mm more than the depth of freezing of the soil. This value is approximately 1.5-1.8 m. The size of the hole depends on the diameter of the pipe that will be installed in it. The supporting units should rise above the surface to the floor of a meter.

Further actions are determined by the type of pipes that were selected to arrange the foundation.

Asbestos pipes as the basis for the foundation

Asbestos pipes are spread due to affordable cost, stability before corrosion and high temperature. However, this type of pipes needs to be strengthened with reinforcing bars.

The diameter of the asbestos pipe should be about 200 mm, and a height of 2 m. All pipes are installed in wells, and further actions have two continuation options:

  • filling with concrete solution;
  • Installation of metal rods.

The first option involves the installation in the reinforcement pipe, the distance between which is 60-70 mm. The length of the reinforcement should be about 2.5 m. Since it should be 20 cm in the Earth and perform 20 cm outward.

Since it is from reinforcing rods that the grillage is formed. Next, the pillars are poured with concrete solution and wait for its grasp for 6-8 days.

The second option is that the pipe is poured with concrete by only a third, then it is raised by 100-150 mm, so the concrete remains below and forms a certain pile in the form of an extension that will not let the pipe go up. The reinforcement in this case should not advocate the base of the pipe. The pipe raised should be located on the same level. Next, the pipe is poured with a concrete solution to the top, and a hairpin is installed on top, which protrudes 300 mm from the pipe, it is from it that the grillage will be formed.

The second option has the main advantage that the hairpin has a thread from which it is easier to form a grillage than from reinforcement. If the work is carried out on soils with high makeup, then before installing the pipe, you should take care of the preparation of a sand-gravel pillow, on top of which roofing material is laid.

The reinforcement for installation in the pipes should undergo special processing using protective agents that prevent its premature wear due to corrosion.

Erection of foundation from plastic pipes

The construction of such a foundation should begin with the marking and alignment of the site. The level is traceed. For marking, pegs and a rope on which they are stretched are used. In the presence of various kinds of elevations or recesses, take care of their alignment.

Drink a small trench located around the perimeter and determine the installation location of the pipes in it. The type of building and its weight affect the interval between the pipes. The maximum interval between plastic pipes is 200 cm.

Pipes must be present in the corner areas, walls and partitions, if there are terrace or verandas in the house, individual pipes should also be installed under them. Thus, deformation of the building and its uneven shrinkage will be prevented.

At the bottom of the well, a pillow of sand and gravel is installed, they will play the role of drainage. Next, a layer of waterproofing in the form of roofing material or polyethylene film is installed.

Next, a concrete solution is poured into the well, after that, you need to wait an hour, until the mixture is set. Next, the pipe is installed and pressed to the stop. Reinforcing rods are installed in the pipe, which are also pressed into the pipe. Keep in mind that rods should go beyond the borders of the pipes by 20-25 cm. To fall asleep of free space in the pipe, sand, previously moistened in water is used. In order for the concrete mixture to freeze, you need to wait a week.

Column foundation from pipes with your own hands: Metal pipes

When choosing metal pipes, two methods of conducting this process are distinguished for the arrangement of the foundation:

1. The first option involves the installation of pipes, below the place in which the drilling of the well ended, about half a meter. The diameter of such a pipe does not have to be 200-250 mm, the option of installing two or three pipes with a smaller diameter is possible. In this case, the distance between the pipes should be about 5 cm. Further, the pit and pipes are poured with concrete solution. This method involves the manufacture of a grillage using a steel profile that previously welded to the pipe. This method is characterized by the highest reliability of fastening and provides the maximum strength of the foundation.

2. The second method involves the arrangement of a sand-gravel pillow and the installation of a pipe. Its diameter is 150-200 cm. Consider that the pipe should fit tightly to the well, so in the process of its drilling, the base should be reduced by several millimeters. In too hot weather, the metal is prone to thermal expansion, this is what the action will help prevent damage to the foundation. Next, a solution of sand and cement of high quality is poured into the pipe. If the building has more than one floor, then you should take care of the additional strengthening of the foundation with reinforcement.

When the foundation of metal pipes freezes, after five seven days the arrangement of the grillage begins. The use of wood, for the manufacture of which screw compounds is used with cheapness and simplicity of arrangement.

During the construction of a residential building, it is better to use a metal flooring or concrete casting.

It is the grillage that is able to connect any pipes in one plane. In addition, all walls are based on it and the load is distributed. The grillage is 10-20 cm above the ground.

For the manufacture of the structure, monolithic reinforced concrete or metal is used. If the first option was selected, then in the process of building a grillage, special attention should be paid to the formwork. It should withstand a large load from the concrete solution and not be damaged. If the cross section of the grillage is 250x300 mm, then the formwork is constructed from struts, the interval between which is half a meter.

To begin with, the upper edge is set, the evenness of which is checked using a bubble level. A film made of polyethylene is additionally laid along the formwork, it will prevent pouring cement milk. Next, a double reinforcing frame from a metal rod is laid. The concrete solution is poured twice, first, 10-15 cm thick, and then to the top. To insulate the compounds with the foundation, it is recommended to install a bunch that is mounted on sprinkling of sand and gravel.

Strengthening and cost of the foundation from pipes

Keep in mind that non -compliance with the technology for erecting the foundation from pipes leads to its bias and deformation of the entire building, so this type of foundation needs to be strengthened.

In order to strengthen the foundation made of steel pipes on the problem area, weld steel profiles to the pipe, which will provide additional rigidity.

Pipes made of plastic or asbestos are strengthened with additional trenches, which is poured with concrete solution.

A more expensive, but no less effective way to strengthen the foundation from asbestos pipes - drilling holes in the upper part of the pipes and installing anchors in them, into which reinforced rods are installed.

If the building is too sagging, then it rises with special equipment, and a trench breaks out on the site for arranging a strip foundation.

The cost of the foundation of pipes is much lower than that of the strip. For its construction, you should choose a brand cement not lower than 400. In addition, a minimum of sand and crushed stone will be required. The number of materials depends on the depth of the wells, the number of pipes and the total load on the structure.

When choosing pipes, you should proceed from the same factors. The cheapest option is plastic pipes. In addition, they do not need additional transportation costs.

Pipe from asbestos is two times cheaper than plastic, when they are selected, it is better to focus on long products, which, if necessary, will cut into several parts. In addition, the reinforcement will be needed to strengthen pipes.

Buying pipes made of steel is a more expensive process. Although they do not need additional strengthening with reinforcement.

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