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Stretch ceilings are quite durable and reliable coating, which serves with a careful attitude for several decades. But no one is safe from various force majeure situations. The trouble can happen at any moment: the ceiling canvas can accidentally be damaged by something sharp, a fire can happen, or your apartment will be flooded from above. DIY ceiling repair requires extreme accuracy and attentiveness, however, it avoids large costs.
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First you should find out what is a similar ceiling. The suspended ceiling is a vinyl chloride film, which is brewed using a special seamless technology. The price of the ceiling repair will pleasantly please you! The repair work of such a ceiling involves the correction of gaps or surface defects, which has one level, or made in the form of various mounting systems and waves.
When operating the suspended ceiling to avoid complete alteration and frequent repairs, certain rules should be executed:
The hanging ceilings for the most part being spoiled, are no longer subject to repair, but need replacement. However, there are situations when you can save the ceiling, repaired it in a timely manner. To make sure of this, you just have to view the photo repair photo.
Regardless of the fact that the stretch ceiling is characterized by high strength, punctures and cuts of the canvas still happen. If the ceiling is made of PVC, then only specialists will be able to evaluate the scale of repair work. If the canvas does not tear much, you can carefully seal it. If the ceiling is damaged significantly, then from an economic point of view it is not profitable to repair.
If the puncture arose on a seamless ceiling made on a fabric basis, then it will be repaired with your own hands. Glue the cut carefully with a piece of glass -wallpaper or tissue tape. Then paint the stretch ceiling so that the patch merges with the background. If the incision has formed a small one, it will turn out to sew it with nylon threads, and then tinted with paint so that the seam does not catch the eye.
With leaks and flooding, you should act extremely neatly, otherwise you can ruin the entire ceiling. In order to drain the accumulated water and return the initial look, you need to dismantle one corner of the suspended ceiling, drain the water, then dry the canvas, place it back in the baguette and heat the ceiling with a heat gun if it is made of PVC. After that, the ceiling in your house will look like after installation.
With a leak, if the weight of the water on the ceiling exceeds the established norm, in most cases baguettes depart from the walls. Often this may be associated with a poorly performed installation. In many companies, the above case is a warranty, so the cost of repairing the ceiling should not bother you. The warranty periods for the installation of suspended ceilings usually amount to 3 years.
Slowing the stretch ceiling occurs for two reasons: if the suspended ceiling is over ten years or when the canvas was unevenly stretched during installation. Typically, such situations happen to Chinese and domestic canvases. You can eliminate sagging by completing the clip. Also, the ceiling can sag from the increase in the temperature room.
There are also several reasons for the rupture: poor -quality welding of the stretch fabric, the ceiling tension is higher than the norm, poor quality of the material. In such a situation, it is unlikely that you will be able to carry out repairs and you will have to change the canvas.
Most often, the ceiling repair suggests that you need to close only a small incision. But with such damage, it should be remembered that repairs can only be carried out if a seamless fabric canvas was installed on the ceiling.
The ceiling repair is usually carried out with these methods:
A great advantage of stretch ceilings is that it is very small in the probability of flooding damage to the floor, walls and objects of the situation. The material can withstand the tension and significant loads, while not breaking through.
Water accumulates between a stretch ceiling and a film. Therefore, it can be carefully removed by making a small hole in the film. In order not to make holes, you can use lighting devices instead of installation, then the coating will remain intact. After dismantling the film, the stretch ceiling takes the former shape.
When leaking and flooding, you need to find out what temperature the water had. If it was cold, then the film must be removed and dried, its properties will not change after that. But at high temperatures, the material will stretch, and there is nothing to be done here. At a very low temperature, for example, in unheated rooms, the canvas can also be badly damaged: the material used simply crystallizes, losing its properties, after which it can easily burst.
The life of stretch ceilings from different manufacturers differs, but on average it reaches fifteen years. Although with regular and careful care, as well as a careful attitude, such a coating can last thirty years. It is easy enough to damage the suspended ceiling at the first time after its installation, when the film is still too tight. Therefore, it is better not to touch the ceiling and not try to clean the coating.
Stretch ceilings are resistant to many influences, durable, do not need complex care, have a very attractive appearance. But regardless of this, a certain care and regular inspection is still necessary for such a surface. Caring for a suspended ceiling involves the use of simple cleaners, clean rags and a soft sponge. In the composition of cleaning products, there should not be various solvents and abrasive rude particles.
For example, substances for cleaning ceramics and glasses with solvents are not suitable for this purpose, because you can easily damage and scratch the film. It is also not recommended to buy toilet soap. The fabric and a sponge for cleaning on the surface should not leave individual fibers, because they will spoil the appearance, and the brushes, even with wooden and very soft bristles, can easily damage the stretch ceiling and break its surface.
When washing a stretch ceiling under pressure or mop, the fabric can bend. You should not worry about this, but you should not increase the pressure. The material of the stretch ceiling is very durable, as it is saturated with special compounds, and the design can withstand strong tension and significant loads. In addition, the film cannot be damaged with a dull object.
Cleaning, as well as the repair of ceilings with panels, is still carried out quite rarely, because the material is distinguished by antistatic properties, dust and dirt are not particularly sticking. In addition, stretch ceilings are not a source of crumbling particles of whitewashing and plaster. The use of an ordinary vacuum cleaner is allowed. Such simple care will ensure the safety and cleanliness of the surface.
If fat spots occur on a stretch ceiling, this is especially possible in kitchens, it is permissible to use a conventional dishwasher, which is simply washed off. The stains of condensate in the bathroom can simply be erased with a soft sponge. The ceiling repair with tiles is needed only if chemically active substances hit the suspended ceiling.
The space between the surface of the ceiling and the film also needs regular inspection and care. However, if the film is correctly mounted, and all communications are laid over it according to the requirements and norms, such work is carried out extremely rarely.
Thus, the repair of a stretch ceiling is required when the mounting system or its surface is damaged. After watching a video about the repair of ceilings, you can add leaks and flooding to these situations. There are not many such cases, usually all the work is carried out quickly, and the full replacement of the canvas is required only when the film breaks or bursts on a large area. However, subject to simple recommendations and rules for the operation of such materials, care and periodic inspection of the coatings of the stretch ceiling will last a long time.