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Put the infrared floor Caleo - review, instruction

Kaleo Trade has been producing and implements the infrared film floor of Caleo for more than seven years. Users note the advantages of heating using this brand, including convenience, comfortable heating, significant energy savings. From 15 to 20% of the cost of electricity when using the usual heaters. As well as a quick and simple installation of the system and the availability of complexes of different power. Caleo is known as a developing company, with a wide representative network. The manufacture of a warm floor system is made of high -quality components and materials produced in Germany, America and Korea. The company aims to give heat and comfort to houses, apartments, cottages, offices with maximum efficiency and economic mutual benefit.

Table of contents:

  1. The scope of the infrared floor Caleo
  2. Advantages of the Caleo infrared warm floor system
  3. Infrared floor Caleo. Energy saving price
  4. Infrared floor saleo. Price
  5. Infrared floor Caleo. Device
  6. How to independently install a caleo film floor
  7. Installation of a warm system of kaleo

The scope of the infrared floor Caleo

The infrared floor of Kaleo has become a high -quality and inexpensive full -fledged substitute for traditional heating floor systems, such as cable heating. Caleo infrared gender is installed at objects of various purposes: private buildings and houses, apartment buildings, production facilities, state budget institutions, for example, kindergartens and a nursery.

The possibilities of the thin warm floor of Caleo are enough to warm up large areas for several seconds, the creation of local heating, temporary warming up not a living room, and maintain a given temperature regime.

Advantages of the Caleo infrared warm floor system

  • The main distinguishing feature of the Caleo infrared warm floor is the radiation of infrared rays of long, coinciding with the radiation of the human body. This characteristic guarantees complete safety for the health of this type of heating. Doctors proved that the Caleo system is useful for the body, favorably affects the tone and general condition of people.
  • Neutralizes static electricity.
  • Creates a unique aesthetic interior.
  • Functionality. Easy installation and dismantling of the system. Installation in a rented apartment is possible.
  • It has a positive effect on health. IR rays gently penetrate the body and do not cause disorders of the natural rhythm of life. These rays are widely known for the passage of physiotherapeutic methods of treatment.

  • Create electromagnetic radiation of lesser strength than in ordinary devices.
  • The simplicity of the installation of the system is associated with the lack of expenses for materials such as glue, mastic, screed.
  • Compactness. Allows masking under a surface of 0.3 mm.
  • Universality. The Caleo system is mounted on any horizontal, vertical and inclined surface.
  • Fireproof. The materials used in the design are resistant to open fire, have non -combustible characteristics, fire resistant, withstand temperatures above 7000 C.
  • Compatible with practical flooring all used for decoration.
  • Ecologically clean heating system.
  • Economic, energy -saving technology.
  • Long working resource up to 15 years.

Infrared floor Caleo. Energy saving price

The innovative film infrared heating system of floors is not only convenient and comfortable, but also economical. It is not inherent in the deficiencies of similar film heating systems due to the unique design.

System composition:

  • Two layers of a special polyester film processed with an electric coronary discharge. Standard thickness of one film up to 5 mm.
  • Built -in carbon heating elements. They are known for low current conductivity and small electric capacity. The material that does not beat the current.
  • Copper tire through which the current is passed.
  • Silver mesh as a safety element of a copper tire from overheating and moisture. Reliable protection allows you to install the Caleo system in bathrooms and showers.

In the Caleo system, connections of hot and cold terminal wires are excluded. The connection of the cold wire is made according to the traditional method, as in ordinary wiring. The electric current passing through the copper tire does not heat the metal, but leads to heating of the carbon strips.

The use of this type of heating allows in modern conditions, at constantly growing energy prices, save on payment for comfort and comfort in cold weather, and not depend on city communal systems and unexpected accidents at very low temperatures. The total savings calculated by many users of the Caleo heating system system are 20 35 %. Do not give up one -time investment in your own well -being. Spend once saving for 15 years.

Infrared floor saleo. Price

By purchasing Caleo brand products, beware of cheap options. All products have a beautiful design and are packed in boxes. Fires offering the installation of infrared film warm floor use only certified goods. The average cost of installing the warm floor of Caleo for professionals from 5.5 to $ 10 per m2.

Separately realized films for local heating have different voltage. There is a kaleo 220 w film. The average film price with a width of 50 cm from $ 20. Heating film Kaleo 150 W. Average price from $ 19.

Various accessories, units and sensors for the installation of the Caleo infrared floor:

  • Terminals from $ 0.6.
  • Insulators from $ 0.45.
  • Thermal controllers with current force 16 A for a large load from 21 to $ 55.

Infrared floor Caleo. Device

Infrared film warm floor Caleo has the appearance of a film. It is applied to it for radiation of infrared rays. The created heat heats all objects in the room. The air warms up from their heat to a soft and comfortable size. When warming up, oxygen does not occur, and humidity remains within the normal range.

How to independently install a caleo film floor

For installation, prepare materials and tools:

  • Rolled thermal soldier in proprietary packaging. It has a meter in the linear meters and the installation instructions are painted.
  • Clamps for contacts.
  • Thermoregulator Kaleo. Make the choice in accordance with the alleged load of the system.
  • The sensor of the temperature regime of Kaleo. It is selected according to the characteristics of the system.
  • Electric wiring in the kit.
  • Electro insulation.
  • Passatigi with isolated knobs for electrical wiring.
  • Heat -refracting material. It is necessary to prevent the heat of the system, helps to save on 2-5% electricity consumption. The number of film is calculated on the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room, and not just on the area of \u200b\u200bthe heaters. When laying the finish coating, there will be no changes or irregularities on the surface of the base.
  • Scotch tape construction, bilateral.
  • A substrate for sound absorption or PE film when laying a warm floor for parquet or laminate. Orgalit, DBP, CML during installation for linoleum or carpet coating. Glue tile, SML and noise -absorbing substrate during installation for a coating of tiles or porcelain tile.

The initial stage of work:

  • Select the temperature point of the thermostat. Usually it is placed on the wall.
  • Choose a section of the front of the work. Prepare it: remove the old coating, remove the garbage.
  • Carefully read the instructions on the film. Check the availability of the necessary tools and materials.

Installation of a warm system of kaleo

  • Fixed sheets of the heat -reflector with tape at the junction. Put on the basis.
  • Cut the thermal solder into strips in the required size. Consider the following when cutting:
    • Thermal cutter is carried out only along lines specially designated on a film. They are located after 174 mm.
    • Cutting along the film provides for the maximum permissible length to reduce the number of connection points.
    • The location of the strips is performed by contacts to the thermostat, to reduce the length of the wires during the connection of the endings with the device.

  • Place the strips of film on the heat -reflector, placing a copper tire down. When installing a system under linoleum, thermo -lane is back to the end, and the width between copper tires does not exceed 10 mm. Thus, uniform heating of the entire coating will be achieved.
  • Install contact clamps on copper current tires:
    • Set the clamps as follows: one part inside the thermal graph of the kaleo, the other out, on top of the copper strip.
    • Squeeze very tightly contact with pliers.
  • Imagine the place of the cut of the copper strip and silver contacts of the connection with the carbon element. This is especially important when cutting the heaters into small segments. Bitumen isolation is ideal. It is cut in half in width. An example of the exact work: the manufacturer gives as a sample already established contacts with the clamps at the beginning of the system and isolated ending on the opposite. To show special attention to silver contacts: they are isolated as much as possible, at every cut, without gaps.
  • To destroy the shift, thermal soldier with double -sided tape strengthen the reflector on the heat.
  • In the selected place, install the thermostat:
    • Recommendation: Installation on a vertical surface is made in accordance with the requirements of convenient visualization, maintenance and access to a power source.
    • Select the connection method: permanent with open or hidden wiring; A traditional electric wire with an electric power under the euro -zoom.
  • Make wiring of mounting cables:
    • Connection according to the drawing on the branded Caleo packaging.
    • The kit contains wires of 2 colors for the convenience of the user.
    • Mounting wires should be placed on one side of the room.
    • The large array of the wire is laid under the wall and masked under the baseboard or mounting box.
    • If the wiring goes on top, a recess or groove is performed in the heat -reflector. Then, when laying the main covering material on top of the infrared warm floor, Kaleo will be as smooth as possible. Or lay the wiring along the heat -reflector seam.
  • Remove the insulation material at the point of connection of wires with contact clamps. To do this, use a special tool.
  • Insert the bare end of the wire into the clamp, squeeze the knot with the maximum effort. Check the strength and reliability of the connection.
  • Imind the output points and the wiring connection with the thermal bar. In the kit of kaleo for each strip of thermal male, 5 segments of insulation are invested. Two segments are used for connection. As an obvious example, the manufacturer installed isolation on one segment. One segment of insulation is attached outside the strip, the other on the inside of the thermal male wires.
  • Check the quality of isolation at all places of connection: thermal ships with wires, cuts of a copper strip, silver sections.
  • Connect the connecting wires with the thermostat according to the scheme in the kit to the device.
  • Install and connect the Kaleo sensor to the thermostat of Kaleo:
    • The sensor is installed under the thermal muffle, below the black strip of the heating element. Fix the floor sensor to the heating film with insulation.
  • Connect a thermostat to the mains:
    • Invite professional electrician in the case of superficial own knowledge and experience in this field.
    • Take into account when connecting a thermostat, the ability to connect other electrical appliances to this network. Apply automatic stabilizer interruption when connecting to the Kaleo system with a capacity of above 2 kW.
    • The phase in thermoregulators of Kaleo are two extreme terminals, the first and last.
  • Test a common, assembled heating system of Kaleo:
    • Set the floor heating temperature to 30 p
    • Check each strip for heating.
    • A special probe check all the connection points, including mounting wires and isolated endings.
    • Places of connections with proper assembly do not sincere, do not heat up.
  • Put the Film Film on top of the warm floor for protection and heat loss.
  • The joints of the film with tape. To lay a laminate instead of a film, use a special substrate. Do not use cork coating.
  • Put the selected protective material in accordance with the type of floor finish.
  • Make a working inclusion of the warm floor of the Caleo. Put the parameter up to 30 S.

Infrared floor Caleo - Video on the installation of the system for laminate and carpet:

Training video about the correct installation of the system:





(IF You're a Human, Don 'Change the Following Field)
Anonymous ( fast registration on the site)

In the fall of 2015

In the fall of 2015, I decided to insulate a cold vestibule in the house so that cats could live there at least -25 C. The choice fell on the warm floor of Caleo, they advertised it very beautifully in the Leroamerlen store, and I was quite suitable for the characteristics. The first year passed well, Paul performed its functions. In January 2017, a fire occurred, since they noticed at the stage of smoke. The house is safe, everyone is intact ... I decided to understand what the reason (it was the idea that I did not insulate the compounds well). I opened the laminate, there were no problems in the installation. The results of the autopsy in the photo. wrote to the manufacturer’s website - an interesting correspondence: Caleo: Judging by the photographs, we can conclude that the film was heated to a temperature above 80C, which led to melting of the heat -reflective material. Since the thermal soldier is not self -regulatory (Grid 150/220), this result can be achieved only in two ways. The first is to heat the entire film to the specified temperature, that is, do not install the floor sensor under the film, do not use the thermostat or set the temperature of 80C on the thermostat. The second is “locked the thermole”, that is, create an obstacle to normal heat sink. Me: I had a temperature sensor as I have written earlier. What is meant by creating a normal heat car? At the mint, the whole film lay in the same conditions, while nearby the lying row was absolutely in order. Caleo: Something lay/stood on the floor during the work of the thermal girl, the film did not “lock” the film. These films are intended only for open areas where there are no low objects. So be extremely careful if you use these floors do not try to put houses for cats on it !!!

Dear anonymous, we

Dear anonymous, we regret that the possession and use of Caleo Grid film warm floor led to the current situation.
Essentially the problems, before operating the technical product, it is necessary to carefully familiarize yourself with the instruction manual, the installation and operation manual indicates that the gap between the subject and the floor should be at least 3 cm, it is also indicated that the film warm floor Caleo Grid can be indicated The area is laid only on the area free from low objects, in the item “It is forbidden during operation! ... Close the warm floor with objects (furniture without legs, blankets, etc.), preventing effective heat -voltage into the air.” I ask you to draw your attention to the fact that, with the proper operation of such a case, it could not happen in principle.
Any film warm floor of any manufacturer in the conditions of “locking” (except for the film floor with full self -regulation) will begin to melt, because There will be no normal heat voltage, respectively, in the place of “locking” the temperature of the film warm floor will reach critical indicators, which will lead to deformation and melting of the “film”.
I also draw your attention to the fact that all the product of Caleo is certified and quality control is undergoing.
Caleo products can be found at any point of retail sales, get a detailed advice on the product of interest, or use the manufacturer’s hot line by phone 8-800-55-28-62.