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Tiles without seams: how to lay tiles without seams

The popularity of tiles is due to a sufficient speed of the cladding and the ideal surface of the tile. Today, impeccably even edges and the coincident sizes of expensive imported tiles, porcelain tiles and lithocramics make it possible to obtain an impeccable surface using seamless laying. Laying tiles without seams is possible only on an ideal surface without defects. Today, masters work using materials with a flat -cut edge, precisely coinciding in size, practically not subject to expansion and freezing.

Table of contents:

  1. What is the difference between seamless technology from the usual laying of tiles?
  2. Properties of lithocheder and porcelain
  3. Patterned seamless tile laying
  4. How to choose finishing material?
  5. Seamless tile laying technology on the floor

What is the difference between seamless technology from the usual laying of tiles?

Tiles are a universal piece of construction and final material, which gives an impeccable floor and walls. The advantages of tile trim were appreciated by ancient builders, using it in the decoration of temples, palaces and houses of the nobility. To do this, used:

  • flat pebbles;
  • crammer shell;
  • lump marble;
  • granite plates;
  • layers of decorative articulate stone;
  • ceramic tiles made by hand.

The same analogues are used today. But in those days it was difficult to make a tile of an ideal size and shape that would coincide to a millimeter. It was not easy to cut the stone, so no one introduced seamless technology. But the ancient structures are still impressed with their quality of fitting chering stone and processing marble.

For decoration of the bathroom and kitchen, ordinary ceramic tiles were recently used, which tends to expand due to the features of clay at the base. I had to leave wide seams due to the expansion of the tile.

I had to take into account the fact that the tile from one pack did not always coincide in size, not to mention the re -sorceret or tile from different parties. With this I had to reckon with external and interior decoration using ceramic tiles without seams.

Modern materials of porcelain tile and lithocheder are less prone to such an extension. They have a denser texture and sufficient hardness, a specially processed edge for perfect adjustment. High -quality tiles today coincide in size, but this does not exclude the minimum seams and the use of grout or sealant.

Before starting work, it is important to make sure that the purchased material is suitable for styling at the end, judging by the edge. For the technology of laying tiles without seams, the edges must be prepared, that is, rectified. Such styling saves time and greatly simplifies work, but perhaps on a perfectly smooth surface. An impeccable monolithic surface is tiles without seams.

Properties of lithocheder and porcelain

1. Litocamics natural material, a cut of natural marble on top of the ceramic base. It is lighter than marble, but heavier than ceramic tiles, the thickness does not exceed 1 cm. Tiles are produced in Spain, it is cheaper than natural stone, but has the same decorative properties, ideal for a seamless method. It is solid and wear -resistant, resistant to blows, scratches and other mechanical influences.

As you know, Spanish marble is famous all over the world in a large color scheme, ideal for cladding:

  • sexes;
  • walls;
  • steps;
  • terraces and paths at the porch.

Lithocamics has 3 standards with small defects closed by grout, an economy option with minor chips on chamfers and corners, as well as elite tiles. The last variety usually goes under laying tiles without seams. Lithocaming with chamfers and without champs, that is, seamless, is produced.

2. Porcelain tiles classify specialists as the most durable finishing material of artificial origin, which in many other parameters exceeds tiles and other finishes. Modern technologies make it possible to recreate the drawing of any natural material. This is an environmentally friendly material of high -temperature firing based on clay with mineral additives.

This facing material is homogeneous throughout the layer of tiles, in hardness exceeds some types of marble and granite. Porcelain stoneware is available with an even cut along the edges, therefore it is often used to lay tiles without seams. It has 1 disadvantage of it is difficult to cut when laying due to high hardness, especially when you need to break a strip of 1-2 cm. It is possible to choose a surface of porcelain tile, depending on design tasks.

Porcelain stoneware does not have such an indicator as water absorption, therefore it does not expand when temperatures fluctuations. Thanks to high frost resistance, used for external cladding:

  • foundation,
  • porch,
  • steps.

To decorate the interior, porcelain tile is used much more often. High strength and resistance to solvents allows the use of porcelain stoneware for rooms with an aggressive environment. Its aesthetic possibilities are limitless, especially for patterned and mosaic calculation. All this is possible due to the fact that the tile is available:

  • different shapes and values;
  • in a large color scheme;
  • with and without a pattern;
  • homogeneous structure and interspersed of different colors.

Tip: If there is a desire to use beautiful and high -strength material, then before laying tiles without seams, pay attention to these materials.

Attention: with a seamless way of laying any type of tile, it is important to read the instructions attached to the purchase. Pay attention to the recommendations of the manufacturer Construction glue or the mixture, a tool for cutting and laying, grout or sealant, etc.

Advantages of seamless styling:

  • the homogeneous seamless surface is most attractive, including color or patterned;
  • the surface is the most hygienic, since it does not accumulate pollution and mold, simplifying care;
  • a quick laying process that does not require care for observing an equal gap on the seams.

Among the minuses, one can name the inappropriateness of seamless laying in places of seismic activity, in new houses with shrinkage. The tile can disappear, the surface is deformed. The seamless surface involves a minimum clearance with grouting a common color with tiles.

You can not put the tile on a wet or contaminated surface. Only a completely dry, even and clean base can be used, where all defects have previously plunged. A concrete screed with a self -leveling mixture is an ideal base for seamless laying tiles on the floor.

Patterned seamless tile laying

Today, many schemes for laying tile coatings have been developed, but they are not always suitable for seamless laying. This is due to the fact that it is the seams that form a periodically repeating pattern. Floor tiles without seams forms exquisite patterns due to contrasting colors of porcelain tiles, marble and other facing materials.

As you know, on a large area of \u200b\u200bthe floor it is not recommended to put plain tiles throughout the room, this creates a feeling of emptiness. Therefore, they use different types of styling:

  • chess;
  • ladder;
  • mosaic;
  • squares or circles;
  • christmas tree;
  • frame around the perimeter and outlet in the center;
  • rows, etc.

Complex mosaic patterns and sockets when laying porcelain tiles on the floor without seams look great, but laying and accurate fitting during cutting only to professionals. They develop a complex pattern on the computer, select materials by color and cut the tiles with an accuracy of 1 mm hydro -carbrane harsh in the workshops.

Tip: Use the branded cutting of porcelain tiles offered by specialists. It is enough to order a colored outlet for 1-3 meters in diameter, laid in a square, and then continue the usual styling.

In the same way, you can put on the wall and tile without seams, but here the illusion of seamlessness creates accurate observance of the row horizontally and vertically and the coincidence of the color of the grout with tiles.

Attention: only perfectly cut edge is suitable for seamless technology to achieve a monolithic effect. Each fragment of the coating should be proper geometry, a single size, with a minimum error.

A loving tile with a flat edge without a chamfer, rectified, is suitable for walls for technology without seams. That is, the cut should be perpendicular to the surface, without gap, rounding, chips and defects. It is more expensive, but there is no culling. Rectification is carried out after firing tiles:

  • matte;
  • glazed;
  • structured;
  • polished.

Not every tool will take porcelain tiles, and ordinary tile cutter is suitable only for ceramic tiles. For solid tiles, a hydro -carbraise machine cutting is needed, which does not give chips.

How to choose finishing material?

The tile is selected not only in accordance with their preferences, but also in accordance with the purpose of the slippery polished tiles is not suitable for the bathroom, but only for the hall. For the kitchen, it is also undesirable to choose slippery tiles, only rough, so as not to accidentally slip with hot water. To fill the joints, silicone and epoxy grout, silicone sealant or sealing are used.

The size of the tile is selected in accordance with the size of the area, it is desirable that a certain amount of tiles is laid in the perimeter of the area without cutting. If a few centimeters are not enough, they can be hidden under the baseboard and borders, and it is difficult to cut off the extra 1-2 cm from porcelain tiles. When buying, always check the batch number so that a few packages match. This is the only way to guarantee compliance with shade and size.

Porcelain tile, like any tile, is always bought with a margin, taking into account:

  • detection of marriage in the package;
  • part of the tile may deteriorate when cutting;
  • it will take a fit.

If color mosaic styling is planned, then before putting tiles without seams, at the purchase stage, take an interest in the construction store with the remnants of other batches. It is possible that it will be possible to choose excellent material for a socket or panel, while you can save significantly. Prices for residues reduce to 40%, but this should be a suitable rectified tile of the same size. But you should not buy the remains from another batch, most likely it will not be possible to choose the tile exactly by color and texture, with the exception of black or white.


Seamless tile laying technology on the floor

If you do not know how to glue tiles without seams, then you should carefully study all the subtleties of the process. The technology of seamless laying of tile materials does not imply the absence of seams as such. But a competently laid layer of tiles with a correctly selected grout guarantees a smooth homogeneous surface.

Tip: with patterned styling, it is recommended to put the tile dry on any surface to evaluate visually. Perhaps a more interesting option will appear. In this order, it is laid, observing the row and accurate coincidence of the seams. With a homogeneous surface, the preliminary calculation is not needed, but it is worth checking the coincidence of the shade of tiles from different packages. If the difference is noticeable, and there is no way to replace, then darker porcelain tile is laid in the baseboard around the perimeter.

A pre -prepared horizontal floor surface or wall vertical guarantee of impeccable styling. The tile is laid by means of suitable glue or solution, which is recommended for laying tiles. Seamless styling is possible only on a perfectly flat surface. The smoother the prepared working surface and less glue snowdrifts, the more impeccably and monolithic the laid surface will come out.

The rectified tiles (without chamfers) will have to be put as tightly to each other to minimize the inter -seam. The tiles are selected with a standard size and square or rectangular shape. A toothed spatula is used to apply an adhesive base. Each fragment of masonry is adjusted with a rubber hammer.

The tile should be wiped from factory dust and moisten the back of the back before laying, if glue requires this. It is important to rely not your experience in laying tiles, but on recommendations on the technology of cladding with the selected material. The choice of glue or solution affects the quality of seamless styling.

A binder of a two-component solution is prepared in a small amount (for a number or two). The recommended glue should not be applied with excess so that it appears to the edges after pressing. It should be enough for full application, and experience is needed. There should be no excess air under the tile, so they advise you to work with a gear spatula. The glue is applied to the tile little by little, evenly distributed by a gear spatula, which is kept at an angle. After 3-4 tiles, the optimal amount of glue will already be obvious.

They begin to lay from a corner, remote from the door, bringing the rows to the entrance. The tile is applied with glue to the wall or floor and slightly crushed. They are fastened with a rubber hammer until the fragment sits perfectly. The level is checked by the horizontal along and down. Then the first row is completed in the same order.

The second row should be adjacent to the same with the exact coincidence of the seams, so the first row, which will become a standard, is important. In the same way they put the rest of the tile, checking the horizontal. The remnants of the glue that appeared at the seams are immediately removed by a rag. When the glue dries (the term is indicated in the instructions on the packaging), the minimum gaps at the seams are closed with a grout suitable in color with a spatula. Excess is wiped with a damp sponge.

Attention: although laying the tiles on the floor is carried out from a remote angle, for some reason this is done by a different order. To move around the room, plywood shields are used to cross them. The plywood sheets must be removed and make sure that the stacked tile has not moved. On the walls, the tile is placed from the skirting board portioned while the glue grabs.

After the first row, the seams should definitely coincide with the previous styling, and it is better to leave a gap under the baseboard a bit. If a small curvature of the walls is found in the process, then with a small gap against the wall this will not affect the quality of the finish. With an ideal perimeter of the room, the tiles on the floor are laid to the wall.

If the number of tiles along the length does not match, and you have to cut them, then it is better to lay styling so that a number of cut fragments go under furniture or plumbing equipment. In a small bathroom, sometimes it makes sense to make styling from the door or corner at the bathroom to hide the cut tile and leave the incomplete row and close the solution.

High -quality seamless porcelain tiles look like a continuous surface, but this does not exclude the use of the method of patterning styling. With seamless laying of facade tiles, the same technology is used, but you can use clinker tiles, marble porcelain tiles, natural stone and other facing materials. About the intricacies of laying tiles without seams watch the video:





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tiles are required for

tiles are required for laying floor and wall tiles, a bathroom, a corridor, a kitchen of about 50 m 2.
Large -sized rectified tiles are laid without a seam, grinds with epoxy grout.