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How to put floor tiles correctly

In each room, the floor is more subjected to mechanical influences. As a result, floor tiles began to be used as a floor covering. Modern market offers a wide range of products, ranging from vinyl tiles to more expensive species, such as ceramic or marble tiles. What type of tiles you would not choose, there are certain requirements, the fulfillment of which will lead you to the desired result.



  1. Preparatory stage
  2. Calculation of tiles
  3. Laying design
  4. Laying tiles
  5. Grout of tiles


Preparatory stage

Before starting the main work, you should prepare the working surface. The floor must be cleaned of the old flooring. After cleaning the floor, a screed is neatly applied. As a result, you should get a flat surface, without tubercles and depressions. In the opposite case, a large amount of floor glue will be spent and the work risks delaying. An exception to the rules is a flooring tile, when the owners do not plan to arrange grandiose repair work and decide to freely install a new coating. In this case, vinyl floor tiles are the most optimal solution. Installation work does not require much effort, and is suitable for those who decided to independently glue the tiles.

Calculation of tiles

So, if you have already decided which tile will decorate your floor. It's time to take care of the quantity. Remember, do not buy an exact number of tiles. Take 10% more. The stock of tiles will save you from a second trip to the store in search of the necessary material. Especially if you decide to create a certain pattern, floor tiles with a pattern are spent several times more. In order to save, many neglect these tips. Here are several arguments why you should buy tiles with a margin:

  • Tiles are quite fragile material, in the process of work it can crack and even break.
  • During the work, the tile is cut, and waste occurs, the use of which is already unsuitable in the future.
  • Especially if you decide to lay the tile diagonally, this option is considered more consumable. In this case, you will need to consult a tile master.

Laying design

You already have tiles at home. Now is the time to decide in what form it will be installed. A parallel location to the walls is a fairly common laying model. In addition, there are more design ideas. Try to lay out several styling options on a dry screed. If you have chosen tiles in several colors, you can create interesting compositions, a kind of mosaic created according to your ideas. In addition, floor tiles have become quite popular in today's days. Thus, you can create an exclusive floor, according to your ideas.

For commercial premises, laying tiles diagonally is often used. This gives the building of dynamism and volume. In this case, floor ceramic tiles are the best option. The fact is that with diagonal styling a lot of waste comes out. Using more expensive tiles, for example, floor marble tiles is inappropriate. For a kitchen or for a bath, tiles of flooring will become an excellent decoration. They are practical, high -quality and do not require special care during operation.

Laying tiles


By decomposing the tiles on the floor, you will decide on the installation design. It's time to do installation work. Prepare tile glue. The masonry of the floor tile is not very complicated. If you put tiles for the first time, then on the glue package a detailed instruction is described, which will allow you to correctly prepare the material. The glue dries quickly, so prepare it in small quantities.

Necessary tools:

  • rosted spatula
  • titting cutter
  • level
  • roulette
  • putty knife
  • bulgarian


Laying tiles should be started from the far corner of the room, gradually approaching the exit. Initially, only whole tiles are laid out, rifled pieces are left at the last moment. Pieces of tiles should not fall in the middle of the room. They should be located only at the edges of the hall. Cut the tile with a tile cutter. Using a roulette, calculate the required size. Only after make sure that the cut piece is suitable for the required place, you can glue the tile. Be careful, not every tile cutter is able to cut the tile. Simple tiles is suitable for inexpensive tiles. For better and thick tiles, for example, floor tiles, a professional tool is required. This must be taken into account if you are going to rent tools.

Grout of tiles

The laid floor must be left for several days to completely dry the glue. After that, you can start grouting the seams. For this, a special grout and rubber spatula are used. The grout of the seams is a rather responsible event, it should be taken with all seriousness. It is this stage that gives the brilliance and nobility of the laid tile.

As you managed to notice, laying the floor tiles is a rather responsible task, the implementation of which should be treated with all seriousness. Only in this case you will remain satisfied with the result.





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