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Curtains for bay windows: features, photo ideas

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Modern architectorship and design capabilities allow you to equip houses and cottages with bay windows that contribute to the visual expansion of space. The bay window, which is translated from German means a lantern or ledge in the wall, is a protruding part of the facade of the building of a semicircular or multifaceted form. The bay windows, being the most outstanding and attractive element, give any room a shade of harmony and quiet elegance. Thanks to the bayer, even the most ordinary and dull interior is transformed, turning into a alluring corner of comfort and peace. This is due to the fact that the bay window is not an ordinary window, but rather a unique architects element, decorating the house not only from the outside, but also inside. In this regard, before proceeding with the design of bay windows that requires an integrated approach, it is necessary to deal with the fundamental nuances of this event, the observance of which will not only competently design this element of the room, but also make it as cozy, comfortable and functional. One of the most affordable methods for decorating a bay window is curtains for bay windows, at this stage in the design of the design, especially popular among consumers.


  1. What are bay windows: design features
  2. Baying windows: classics of the genre or the innovation of modern design?
  3. Destruction of bay windows: main directions
  4. Decoration of bay windows: creation of a holistic design solution
  5. Varieties of biases: brief description
  6. Decorating a bay window depending on the purpose of the premises: Basic rules
  7. The selection of a bayavery cornice is the basis of the correct design


What are bay windows: design features

The bay windows, which are not only decorative, but also functional light -transmitting structures, are located in the protruding part of the facade. Buildings, the architectural appearance of which implies the presence of glazed bay windows, favorably differ from their analogues, the design of which is characterized by the absence of bay windows. The bay windows are the prerogative of buildings located in the city, while they can be found not only in new buildings, but also in the buildings of the old housing stock. However, according to experts, the bay windows are the most profitable addition to country -type houses, which is sometimes their only opportunity to distinguish between the gray mass of traditional buildings. Despite the fact that, by definition, the bay window is a protruding part of the facade of the building, not all windows can be called bay windows. In order for the window to acquire the status of a bay window, its design should imply two or more windows interconnected by a special mount - a bay winding pipe. Thanks to the large area of \u200b\u200bglazing, the bay windows are characterized by high transmitting ability, filling the room with natural light, which cannot but affect the well -being of the person living in this house.

Another advantage of bay windows, relevant for apartments with small area, visual expansion of the area of \u200b\u200bglazed space, which can become a determining factor in the process of choosing the most suitable stylistic solution.

Baying windows: classics of the genre or the innovation of modern design?

Despite the fact that the new round of popularity of bay windows is associated with the third millennium, the history of bay windows has more than one hundred years. In the historical corners of Germany, you can still find buildings, a distinctive feature of which are bay windows. Such an option is still characterized by periodically repeated wave -like popularity, especially in cases where a housing project involves the presence of a room adjacent to the loggia. Baying projects are one of the fundamental techniques that designers resort to when they plan to create something original. This is due to the fact that convex geometric structures with several windows are characterized by a noble appearance, thanks to which, subject to the appropriate design, the living room acquires similarities with the palace boudoir. The bay windows are distinguished by a variety of forms and solutions:

  • Bay windows in the form of a polyhedron;
  • Trapezoidal bay windows;
  • Triangular;
  • Rectangular;
  • Semicircular structures.

The advantages of bay windows:

  • Increased illumination of the room due to the large area of \u200b\u200bglazing;
  • Large area of \u200b\u200bwindow sills. At times exceeding it in the case of the arrangement of a traditional window. This advantage is especially relevant for those who are breeding indoor plants or plans to equip a winter garden;
  • Visual expansion of the living area of \u200b\u200bthe room;
  • And, of course, a spectacular appearance.

Based on the above advantages of bay windows, you can consider the main sphere of use of these structures. It is wide enough and includes the following directions:

  • Arrangement of the living room;
  • Kitchen or dining room;
  • Use in a billiard or fireplace hall;
  • Use in the process of developing design projects of the winter garden;
  • As one of the elements of a teenage or children's room.

Destruction of bay windows: main directions

Before proceeding to the consideration of the main design techniques used in the process of decorating bay windows, it is necessary to identify the functional purpose of the bay windows. The functionality of the biases is as follows:

  • The presence of bay windows characterized by an appropriate protruding form allows you to organize a recreation area in the formed leaf, which will be the most successful choice for lovers of relaxing the book or watching television programs. As an atmosphere, in this case, it is enough to use a sofa, a couple of seats and a coffee table;
  • Modern designers offer to use the bay window as the most suitable space for arranging the dining room. This is the most relevant when you cannot boast of a spacious kitchen, or it is combined with the living room. To functionally equip this space, you will have to take care of the acquisition of a dining table, chairs and all the necessary kitchen utensils;
  • The presence of a bay window in the living room is an excellent occasion for converting free space under the office, especially when you do not have the ability to allocate a separate room for its arrangement;

Decoration of bay windows: creation of a holistic design solution

Due to the fact that in most cases the bay window is used as a free space for arranging a living room, dining room or children's, as well as a zone where a home theater will be subsequently placed, the simplest and, at the same time, the use of curtains is in a functional way of decorating it For bay windows. Considering that the bay windows are characterized by a large glazing area, a number of requirements are presented to the bay curtains. The main requirement is that they need a large consumption of fabric.

Before proceeding with the purchase or manufacture of curtains for bay windows with your own hands, decide what curtains should be in a particular room, after which you can choose a further plan of action, which is as follows:

  • Self -sewing curtains;
  • Using the advice of professionals, you can order bay windows in the studio or private;
  • After consulting with the master, you can invite him to make bay windows at the sketch you have chosen.

Curtains on bay windows photo


Important! The choice of a stylistic solution for decorating bay windows should be based on the principle of their harmonious combination with a holistic stylistic concept of the room, and they must also meet the principles of functionality. This is due to the unique ability of the curtains both profitable to supplement the interior and leveling it, bringing disharmony into it;

Often, the idea of \u200b\u200bdecorating bay windows is prompts by Tul or curtain fabric itself, but nothing can become the best inspirer than the work of eminent designers. Using rounded ceiling cornices, which allow the curtains to gently flow down, the master gets a unique opportunity to arrange a bay window in an original way. Premises with a traditional rectangular perimeter can also be original.

Varieties of biases: brief description

After you have decided on the choice of the basic stylistic concept, using which you design a room with a bay window, you must give preference to a particular variety of bay windows. Distinguish the following options for curtains for bay windows:

Roman curtains - textile constructions that are universal in application and characterized by the presence of soft folds, which are formed in a raised state and harmonious restraint in a lowered state. Using Roman curtains, you get the opportunity to fix them in any position, in connection with which, this model is one of the most popular options for decorating bay windows designed in a classic or modern style. The bay windows in rooms decorated in ethnic style and intended for relaxation can also be decorated with Roman curtains. For their manufacture, you can use both dense fabrics (in order to sew the main night curtains) and light fabrics for sewing weightless daytime curtains;

French curtains, in view of their ability to focus on the original window constructions, as a rule, are used by experienced designers to draw attention to one or another part of the interior. A distinctive feature of French curtains is the presence of folds and festons that attract attention, as a result, they are very useful in spacious rooms, filled with bright light. But their use is not forbidden in small rooms, but in this case it is necessary to select textiles of lighter shades;

Austrian curtains, a distinctive feature of which is the presence of heavy folds, are designed to emphasize the luxury and wealth of the situation and will be especially relevant in front rooms. In addition, if windows are found in your room that you do not plan to open for certain reasons, experienced masters recommend decorating them with Austrian curtains;

Japanese curtains, due to their ability not to prevent the penetration of the light flow into the room, while occupying a minimum of free space, it is advisable to choose to design functional and practical premises.

Curtains supplemented by a light tulle - The traditional version of the decoration of bay windows, especially if the bay windows complement a fairly spacious room. Becoming an accent of a bay window, curtains add luxury and elegance to him.

Baying curtains for living room photo

Important! In most cases, it is customary to use curtains and translucent tulle, as well as curtains made of denser fabric and lambrequin for the design of bay windows, while drapery should be located in two to three rows. For interiors, decorated in a classic style, is characterized by an abundance of folds and decorative draperies, as well as the presence of decorative pickups. In this regard, in order to make a bay windows in all the rules, you will need a large amount of fabric.

Important! The design solution of bay windows is directly determined by the purpose of the room and the general stylistic solution of the interior. It is not necessary to devote no small value to the shape of a bay window, which can be both rounded and rectangular and even triangular. If designers recommend sewing the curtain with a single canvas for the decorative design of a rounded bayer, then in the process of decorating a bay window with two or three windows, each must decorate with a separate canvas or use a single curtain, sewing it to order.

Decorating a bay window depending on the purpose of the premises: Basic rules

In the process of considering the decorating ideas for the bay windows using curtains, it is necessary to take into account many factors, the main of which is the functional purpose of the room.

  • Bay windows in the kitchen. If the bay window is involved as a space for the location of the working area, according to experts, the choice of constructive solution for the curtains is unequivocal: the most optimal, in this case, will be rolled curtains, the length of which reaches the windowsill. Due to the fact that in the process of cooking in the kitchen, a large amount of steam, moisture and fatty drops is formed, for the manufacture of roller curtains, it is necessary to select material with water -repellent characteristics. The kitchen-erker can be decorated using curtains in the form of an arch that does not cover the wall from the ceiling to the floor;

Important! To emphasize the lightness and airiness of the kitchen decorated in pastel colors, you can use white roller curtains. Having chosen rols from natural material as a decor, you will emphasize the general stylistic concept of the kitchen made in eco-style.

  • Bear-cabinet, the design of which is determined by the general purpose of the room, initially imposes certain requirements on the material and the constructive solution of biases. First of all, it should be dense, which will prevent it from preventing the penetration of extraneous irritants into the working room. Considering this, to decorate the bay window of the cabinet, you can use laconic fabric blinds or rolest curtains, which tightly close the windows and at the same time easily open, freely letting light and air into the room. However, if you are the owner of a spacious office, which you plan to design in a classic style, the most preferable in this case will be multi -layer curtains with lambrequins. The situation is different with the offices decorated in modern styles (high-tech, minimalism). The bay windows in this case can be decorated with light, almost symbolic curtains, occupying no more than half of the window;

  • Bayer in the living room - A place that allows not to limit the flight of the fantasy of creative nature. One of the modern design techniques is the isolation of the living room-erker from the common room by means of a heavy tapestry curtains or simply an unobtrusive border designation between the zones using light curtains. If the bay window is part of the living room, experts recommend using luxurious Austrian curtains for its design, a distinctive feature of which is the presence of heavy folds that focus on luxury and mainness of the premises. In most cases, they are used to decorate windows that do not plan to be opened subsequently. This is relevant if there is a dull area with the same type of building outside the window, excessively lively avenue or a gray concrete wall of a multi -storey building too close to the window;

  • If you plan to arrange a small bay window in the living room, you can use original French curtains, picturesque folds and festons of which are harmoniously combined with a room, filled with lightness and ease. A spacious living room, not overloaded with furniture, can be originally decorated with classic curtains combined with transparent curtains, which will supplement the interior with a note of luxury and elegance. On the contrary, if the living room is overloaded with furniture and is replete with the number of parts, the curtains should be in contrast more restrained and concise;
  • Bayer in the bedroomit should be executed in accordance with the established rules - in the evening they should protect the room from the penetration of excessive light, creating a cozy environment in the room, and therefore, heavy, light -permeable materials, such as silk and atlas, are often used to make them. Roman curtains or French festone designs, the choice of which is most relevant when decorating a bedroom with the style of a ladies, flirty boudoir will be an ideal choice for decorating a bay window in the bedroom. Another demanded option for the bedroom is multi -layer curtains;

  • Bang - winter garden- Another room for a number of requirements for the design and material for the manufacture of curtains. The ideal option in this case will be Roman curtains, the design features of which will allow you not to damage the fragile room greens.

Important! In the process of decorating a winter garden with a bay window, a favorite rule of designers acts: for small windows, Roman curtains are used, for large, straight curtains, the length of which is equal to the height of the bay window.

The selection of a bayavery cornice is the basis of the correct design

It is no secret that the competent selection of the cornice is the basis of the correct design of any window. The cornice for the bay window must comply with a number of requirements:

  • The shape of the cornice should correspond to the line of the wall equipped with bay windows up to the ceiling;
  • The cornice should be equipped with a reliable fastener, which will allow you to maintain a large mass of curtain tissue in two to three layers;
  • Cornices should be characterized by a reliable design not subject to deformation change under the weight of the curtain mass;
  • Should be characterized by the lack of hooks and crumples, which, clinging to each other, will prevent the free movement of the curtain canvas along the line of baguettes in both directions;
  • Tips fixing the edges of the curtains must be securely fixed on both sides;
  • The stylistic design of the cornice should correspond to the general interior concept of the room.

Important! Despite the fact that the ceiling cornices look most advantageous, their use is somewhat limited, since to consolidate it often needs to be used by specialists.

The modern market offers a wide selection of specialized bay windows, which are characterized by various lengths and form, but are subject to adjustment.

  • Round cornice - The most preferred option if you plan to design a bay winding with a curtain on the eyelets;
  • Closed decorative baguette nit is easy to choose if you make a bayer with multi -layer curtains with lambrequins;
  • Cornice string It is not recommended for use for the design of the bayer, since it is impossible to bend;
  • Tubular cornices made of plastic - another option undesirable to use, since over time, under a large weight of curtain fabric, they bend in the central part, but they can be bent to order using specialized equipment;
  • Metal tubular cornice - A successful option, since it is most subject to bending, which allows it to give it the most preferred curvature.

Important! To accurately determine the necessary degree of curvature of the bent cornice, prepare the drawing on which you need to indicate the line corresponding to the distance to the extreme points of the cornice. From the central part of this line, the distance to the middle of the bayer is noted. For the manufacture of the drawing, you must use the circuit.

In order to increase the decorative characteristics of the bay rail, it is necessary to provide its backlight. As such, it is recommended to use a white LED tape located along the cornice, favorably illuminates the sub -drowning curtains from above, as well as the emphasis of ceiling tiles. At the same time, before using LED backlighting of a bay window, you must make sure that there are no ceiling errors.





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