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How to choose an aluminum window

Windows made of aluminum profile is the current direction of modern design and a promising product. After all, these are light designs that can harmoniously fit into the interior, designed in almost any style, from classical options to exotic solutions. It is these window systems that recommend that both with new construction and the restoration of old buildings. We can say that the scope of aluminum structures is quite extensive, all buildings that require a lot of light and lightness can safely supplement precisely with aluminum windows. The article will talk about how to choose aluminum windows.


  1. History of the appearance of aluminum window systems
  2. The advantages of windows from aluminum profiles
  3. A variety of aluminum window profile
  4. What indicators are the price of an aluminum window
  5. How to choose handles for an aluminum window
  6. The main manufacturers of aluminum windows
  7. Aluminum windows



In the modern world, many shopping centers, office buildings, sports facilities use aluminum windows for their facades, but they look easily and almost airy. They become indispensable for buildings that require glazing large -scale sizes, since only such products can withstand heavy loads.

Aluminum windows photo

In addition, the designs made of aluminum profile allowed to abandon boring square and rectangular shapes, in favor of special modern design, where there are practically no angles or vice versa, there are too many of them (arched, triangular, trapezoidal). Due to the rich color palette, it became possible to perfectly combine windows with any trendy facade.

What else attracts professional designers and ordinary inhabitants in aluminum window frames? First you should understand how they first appeared.



History of the appearance of aluminum window systems


  • Aluminum refers to environmentally friendly and safe materials. This metal is able to withstand large temperature fluctuations (-80 to +200 degrees), is not corroded and is not deformed. Of course, manufacturers making windows from this product do not use it in its pure form. As a rule, a special alloy with silicon (or copper) and magnesium, made by hot pressing method, are used. It is these chemical elements that give the released product the strength and the necessary rigidity, so that finished structures can withstand heavy loads and easily maintain a given shape.

  • More about 5-7 years ago, metal-plastic products (PVC) or wood were considered the most common window systems. Now the fashion for the manufacture of window frames made of aluminum is returning again. The first such products began to be installed in Germany in the middle of the 20th century. It was produced under the brand of Schuco (today it is a leading supplier of window structures, the concern was founded in 1951), and then they began to be made in Italy (NewTec Group concern).
  • Of course, swing aluminum windows began to be supplied to the Russian market only in the 80-90s of the last century. True, then these were extremely primitive forms that did not have the necessary sealing, which freezed in the cold and heated greatly during the heat. As a rule, they were established in public and industrial buildings, palaces of culture or in sports facilities.
  • The development of technologies led to the emergence of new modern forms and configurations, gradually aluminum windows gained popularity among consumers, making up successful competition of metal -plastics. And today, the profile is extruded at many plants of the Russian Federation (Seal, Real, Petrolum, visible, aluteh, agrisovgaz, tatprof, etc.).
  • Aluminum was obtained due to the fact that the products obtained from it were light, but at the same time quite strong, and the metal itself is a flexible substance that is good to transform, that is, it is allowed to create almost any form.

But these are far from all the advantages of aluminum windows, it is worth mentioning them in more detail.



The advantages of windows from aluminum profiles


The windows, for the manufacture of which aluminum is used, have many positive qualities, which favorably distinguish them from structures made of other materials. Of course, first of all, it should be said about external aesthetics, reliability during operation and the ease of care. But on this their valuable qualities do not end. So, what advantages are aluminum windows, for which it is for them to give preference.

  • Strength. The design made of the window is so strong that it is able to withstand double -glazed windows almost any configuration, regardless of their weight and size. It is worth making a reservation that it is possible to achieve the greatest strength only using an aluminum alloy, for example, with copper and magnesium (the so -called duralumin).
  • Environmental Safety. Aluminum, being a natural element, does not distinguish dangerous substances into the atmosphere, and, in addition, in the manufacture of profiles, only harmless materials and technologies are used, both for the environment and for human health. Also, the advantage of such systems may be the fact that aluminum is used in secondary processing.

  • Long operational period. The manufacturer gives a guarantee for its products from 50 to 80 years, but the period of service of the window systems is not limited at all by this time, often aluminum designs can stand safe and safety much longer, and at the same time will not lose their attractiveness and functionality. Only fittings and seals are subject to replacement, but this process is quite simple and will not make up any problems, in addition, modern components are also made of durable and durable materials. As a rule, pens and castle systems are installed in grooves and when replacing it is not required to drill or milling profiles, it is enough to simply remove the old accessories from the groove and establish a new one, while the integrity of the frames is not violated. Only aluminum windows today boast of such a long service life, no other materials will compare in this indicator with this metal.
  • Reliability and wear resistance. Even with intensive use, window aluminum constructions will remain as functional as possible, the profiles are not afraid of blows, racks to abrasion, they can be subjected to frequent washing, etc. If it still happens to damage the frame, it is easily easily fixed due to the unique properties of this metal .
  • Resistance to external factors. Aluminum is with good endurance, sharp temperature fluctuations, increased humidity, ultraviolet radiation or acidic precipitation are not afraid of this metal. Thanks to such qualities, and manufactured products from this material are particularly resistant to natural changes. Also, due to the coating of paintwork and decorative means, resistance to an aggressive environment only increases.


Aluminum windows video

  • The ease of material. This is an important quality for such large products. After all, heavy materials create a colossal load on supporting supports, therefore, for example, it is not always possible to install wooden or plastic window systems in the entire height or width of the wall, it is also very difficult to choose glazing on small balconies. With the choice of aluminum profiles, such problems fate in the background, since it is enough to create solutions interesting, both in form and in size.
  • A wide selection of designer color solutions. Frames can have the most diverse design, including imitating some natural materials, for example, wood. For the most part, painted aluminum profiles are used, the color of which can be any of the RAL shades catalog (German color standard), while the texture is both glossy and matte. This allows you to perfectly and harmoniously fit new windows in any, even the most incredible interior. Coloring occurs in the factory by electrostatic spraying (powder painting), which is why the color remains bright and persistent for the longest time. The coating has a thickness of 70 microns to 90 microns and can be single or double (that is, it is painted in one or two layers). Also, aluminum is anodized, with this method the color does not burn out in the sun and remains unchanged for the entire operational period.
  • Plasticity of the material and a large selection of configurancesiy. Due to flexibility, aluminum blanks are given almost any shape, including oval and even round. This is a very valuable quality for modern construction on individual projects, because thanks to complex forms, bold solutions to designers and architects can be realized, and given that aluminum is perfectly combined with many materials, then almost limitless possibilities are revealed.
  • Good thermal insulation and sound absorption. Of course, not aluminum itself, but an already finished window system in which an insulating layer is laid (most often a plastic thermal brown). It is due to such a layer that it is possible to achieve minimal heat loss and excellent sound insulation.
  • Fire safety. This material does not burn, does not support the spread of fire and does not secrete harmful substances under the influence of high temperatures, which makes it undoubtedly the best option for window systems, unlike plastic or wooden frames.


An excellent bonus to all of the above is the external attractiveness of aluminum frames, they do not darken and do not rust, look easy and even airy and can really become a real decoration for the exterior of a private house or cottage.


Of course, one cannot but say about n irastes Such systems, even if they are not significant, are still the minuses and must be voiced.

  • So, the first negative point is pricewhich will not seem accessible to everyone, but if you take into account the durability and simple care of the installed window system, the price can even become a plus, since any further expenses will be reduced.
  • The following drawback is due to the fact that aluminum, like many metals, has high thermal conductivity, and, therefore, heats up very quickly, on warm, sunny days and also quickly cools in cold weather. But after the manufacturers began to install a special layer of insulation, this problem was minimized.
  • And the last drawback is that aluminum profile does not let air passTherefore, such systems should be combined with breathing walls and, if possible, will often ventilate the living quarters.


Summing up, we can say that window structures made of aluminum alloy are characterized by increased strength and reliability, universal for its intended purpose, are not subject to decay and rust, repairing and resistant to aggressive environment. It is also worth noting that aluminum frames have a little design features, it is enough to just determine what specific type of profile will be required for certain purposes.



A variety of aluminum window profile


Aluminum windows are performed in two main options: a cold type of profile, a warm type of profile.

  • Cold profile These are systems equipped with only one camera, without additional insulation layers. Such aluminum windows are installed on the balcony, in utility rooms, in parking lots, in windows, on verandas, unheated loggias and other non -residential objects. The windows have light fittings, and the whole structure has a minimum possible weight.

  • Aluminum warm windows They are equipped with seals and special thermal machines that help regulate the heat transfer process. The insert is made of polyamide (special plastics) and fiberglass (thickness can vary in the range of 1.8-3.5 cm). The thermal conductivity of thermal insulating inserts is less than in aluminum by about 150 times. Due to this layer, the design does not freeze even with the most severe frosts. Often, double -glazed windows of increased thickness (from 3 to 5 air chambers) are installed in such systems, due to which manufacturers achieve maximum thermal insulation and good sound absorption. These window structures are the best option for residential premises, they fit perfectly into the interior of the apartment or office.


In addition to the profile, the design of the window itself differs. So they happen:

  • deaf, that is, the design does not have opening elements;
  • swearing, which, in turn, can be:
  • folding (only the upper part opens, most often used for utility rooms of the pantry, bathrooms, staircases and so on);
  • parallel-sliding (there is a skewer skeleton, as well as the ability to open as a method of throwing the sash and the method of shifting to the side);
  • sliding aluminum windows (the frames are pushed through with special runners, such structures are most often installed on balconies or loggias, that is, in those rooms where the space is limited, but it is necessary to open the windows completely);
  • rotary (open in one plane);
  • rotary-oxide (combine the capabilities of folding and rotary systems, are considered the most functional option);
  • combined, that is, deaf sash are combined into a single system with opening frames. It is this type of window that is the most common.

So, having dealt with constructive features and configuration, it is important to know what to pay attention to when ordering window aluminum systems.



What indicators are the price of an aluminum window


Before buying an aluminum window, you need to understand how the price of one or another product is folded.

  • The first thing that the thickness of the profile is drawn to, the thicker the profile, the better the heat conservation process occurs, but the cost increases. It also affects the installation depth of the window, that is, its width, which ranges from 5.8 to 7.5 cm.
  • The second important point is the installed fittings and seals. The better the components, the more expensive, also if the seals on the frame are used multi -circuit, then the price will be greater. Leaders in the production of reliable fittings are considered countries such as Germany (Roto) and Italy (GISESE).

  • The next moment is a double -glazed window. It is necessary to pay attention to the number of cameras, and for the fact there is any coating, optimally purchase windows with an energy-saving (low-emission) layer. You should also check the quality of gluing the double -glazed window.
  • When ordering the windows, it is necessary to pay attention to the reputation of the company, it is best to see the real objects where the windows have already been installed with this company. Inspecting the sample, close attention is paid to the quality of the assembly of the corner connection and the geometry of the profile itself. It is important that the guarantee applies to all elements of the window system.



How to choose handles for an aluminum window


You should know that the window handles can have a different configuration:

  • with a lock - that is, it protects the sash in open state from random folding;
  • with the key helps to avoid opening without permission;

  • curved are designed for the window, with external closing;
  • elongated pressing for portal systems (that is, parallel-sliding opening).


Standard factory colors of pens include white, black, silver, brown shades, as well as an unpainted option, such pens can be painted in any color along with the profile.

Before ordering glazing with aluminum windows, you should decide on the necessary functionality of the fittings, and if, for example, there is no point in the key, which locks the key, then you should not overpay for them.

You can select components yourself, for this it is enough to know only the size of the groove, which must be noted in the accompanying documentation of the window.



The main manufacturers of aluminum windows


Leading manufacturers in this area can be called 3 large concerns.

  • Schuco (Shuko) Profile from Germany, reliable systems that have proven themselves in harsh climatic conditions, this is exactly the manufacturer that stood at the source of the production of aluminum windows and still products manufactured under this brand remain reliable, convenient and most practical as possible.

  • PROVEDAL (spent) aluminum systems produced in Spain. This company makes a profile using anodizing, that is, a process in which a film that has protective and decorative properties is formed on the surface of the metal. Such windows belong to the luxury class, they are of maximum environmental friendliness and have a very elegant appearance, and at the same time, even with narrow frames, they are reliable and durable.

  • Reynaers (Reins) high -quality window aluminum systems from the Belgian manufacturer. The company offers a wide range of its products, which has a variety of opening options (sliding, swing, folding, and so on), a rich color palette (more than 400 shades) and a long service life is guaranteed. To the general assortment, this manufacturer has also added aluminum windows that gain more and more popularity in our country.


It is these manufacturers that have the largest number of positive reviews about aluminum windows and are the guarantors of qualities.



Aluminum windows


It is important to know how to properly care for aluminum window structures in order to extend their service life as much as possible. To do this, it is enough to adhere to a number of simple rules.

  • Aluminum products should not come into contact with other materials, such as cement, stone, brick, wood or concrete, this is necessary to prevent corrosion in conditions of high humidity. In order to protect the design, it is recommended that the materials that are in the contact zone are recommended, treated with insulating compounds, for example, on a bitumen basis, and wooden parts are simply impregnated with varnish. Of course, modern manufacturers additionally protect their products, so you should not worry about the appearance of corrosion, but just in case you can take care of all possible options.
  • The main rule when caring for a profile is to keep it clean. To do this, it is enough to regularly remove pollution and dust with cleaning agents. It is optimal when the drugs are designed specifically for this metal, this will not only clean the window, but also extend its life.

  • As a rule, various silicone -based solutions are used. They are applied to the surface with soft fabrics or sponge, then they are washed with warm water and the profile is wiped dry with a napkin. If this option seems too expensive and troublesome, then you can simply use soap solution.
  • It is forbidden to use abrasive products and substances with solvents. But to adjust various scratches today, there are special compounds based on aluminum resins.
  • In order to maintain seals in working condition, it should be used to wipe their agents, which include silicone oil. They help remove pollution and restore the elasticity of synthetic rubber (from which the seal is most often made), in addition, this is an additional protection against moisture penetration.
  • Also, in the absence of this tool, it is allowed to use a soap solution, only after cleaning it is advisable to wipe all the elements with a dry cloth and additionally can be treated with a talcum.
  • The window mechanism is perhaps the main functional part of it and it also requires care, but, like all other parts, it is quite simple. Twice a year, accessories are cleaned of pollution, while it is advisable not to use the products based on resins or acids, as well as cleaning solutions should not contain solid particles that can damage the protective coating. After all the parts are cleaned, they are simply lubricated with machine oil (on a mineral basis).

These simple rules will help extend the operational period of the windows, as well as for a long time to maintain their attractiveness and functionality.








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Anonymous ( fast registration on the site)

Yes, a spectrum of use

Yes, the spectrum on the use of aluminum profile is really large, but it has both advantages and disadvantages. It all depends for what purposes you use it. Therefore, it is worth ordering only high -quality aluminum products. I would recommend ordering in the “Profile Center”-

Aluminum profile

Aluminum profile

The article is interesting and voluminous,

The article is interesting and voluminous, thanks! I don’t know for other manufacturers, but we have windows with a profile from Reinars, and no problems are observed: they keep the temperature normally. Yes, the price of them is high, but if it can afford, then why not?)

I can advise adyumin

I can advise the adjinum profiles of Reinars. The price is of course higher than the average, but it will definitely pay off, they serve for many years, they look modern, I put it two years like, the master praised them as my own child. There are no complaints, mechanisms - everything is clearer, there is warm in the house, there is nothing to scold for