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We glue non -hands non -hands. Fleet wallpaper installation technology

Many of us neglect new building materials, and do it in vain! A striking example is non -woven wallpaper. This type of finishing material will satisfy the requirements of even the most demanding buyer. Unlike other types of wallpaper, non -woven ones are easily glued on their own.

Table of contents:

  1. Pros and cons of wallpaper wallpaper
  2. Features of non -woven wallpaper
  3. Tips for choosing non -woven wallpaper
  4. Choosing glue for non -woven wallpaper
  5. Necessary tools for work
  6. Preparatory work
  7. Step -by -step instructions for gluing non -woven wallpaper
  8. Varieties of decorative coating
  9. Tricks in working with non -woven wallpaper

Pros and cons of wallpaper wallpaper

Each type of finishing material has its own positive and negative qualities. The advantages of non -woven wallpaper are as follows:

  • cracks and irregularities of not large size can be masked with wallpaper (this is facilitated by a thick and fairly dense basis of this material);
  • it has high fire resistance and fire safety;
  • through the non -woven wallpaper that does not have vinyl coating, air passes freely, which allows the walls to breathe;
  • compared to paper wallpaper, non -woven ones practically do not absorb dust (a huge plus for allergy sufferers and asthmatics);
  • it has no tendency to burn out, which guarantees a beautiful appearance of the wallpaper after a long time;
  • very easy in gluing, in the process this type of wallpaper does not break and does not stretch;
  • in order to install wallpaper, the glue is applied to the wall, which eliminates additional troubles (finding a place for paintings and cleaning the floors from glue);
  • there are no difficulties in care: they are cleaned with a conventional vacuum cleaner or a wet rag (even detergents can be used);
  • on top of the wallpaper you can apply paint, which provides the ability to quickly update the interior or restore damaged areas;
  • at the next repair, you do not have to suffer during the removal of the old coating (the vinyl layer is separated with ease from the non -woven base).

Despite a huge number of advantages in non -woven wallpaper, they also have disadvantages:

  • the upper textured layer is subject to mechanical damage (scratches or dents are possible), take into account this fact, in the presence of pets;
  • the high price of the material (when buying cheap wallpaper of an unknown brand, all advantages may disappear).

Features of non -woven wallpaper

The appearance of this type of wallpaper practically does not differ from others, but despite this, the material has some features that are characteristic exclusively to it.

Before the start of spraying the decorative vinyl layer, non -woven is applied to the paper base. Flizelin textile product of fibers interconnected using the press. It has an amorphous structure, so high stability remains in all directions. The presence of this characteristic greatly facilitates the work with the material. Thanks to this structure, the mass of wallpaper also decreases, due to the canvas they have twice as large width in comparison with the standards of paper wallpaper (1 meter 6 centimeters). Increased width reduces the time and spent forces for repairs.

There are unpainted non -woven wallpapers that allow you to expand the flight of your design thoughts, create a unique interior. But in this case, you should find out the types of colors that are suitable for this type of work.

Tips for choosing non -woven wallpaper

When buying non -woven wallpaper, you need to pay attention to some aspects:

1. The best choice will be coating with a layer of small thickness and with a foamed surface. If you properly glue this type of wallpaper, the joints will be absolutely invisible.

2. When buying wallpaper for painting, you need to remember that due to the layer of paint, the property of free air passing is lost, and the walls will not be able to breathe.

3. When choosing the wallpaper of single -layer, possessing a high percentage of light transmission, the colors that are previously present on the wall will be very visible. In this case, before the installation of the wallpaper, carefully prepare the walls.

4. Look at the embossed pattern on the wallpaper, it should be as high as possible, because when applying paint, with each layer, it becomes less noticeable.

5. In order to distinguish paper wallpapers from non -woven, it is enough to break them and look at the structure of the edge (if I have non -woven fibers).

6. Immediately decide on paints, it is very difficult to repaint on the wallpaper one color in another.

Choosing glue for non -woven wallpaper

In addition to the wallpaper themselves, a lot of important point is the choice of glue for them. It is on him that the aesthetic type of repair and its service life will depend. If the glue is incorrectly, the results will be deplorable: bloating is formed, wallpaper will be eliminated. In a word, the quality of repair, time spent, financial expenses, and, of course, nerve cells of the person himself will suffer.

Consider several best options for glue for non -woven wallpaper:

1. Exclusive Non Woven.

The price of this type of glue ranges from 200 to 250 rubles. This type has a good sliding ability. Despite this, the time required for his fight is small enough. During drying, such glue for non -woven wallpaper becomes colorless. Preparation of walls when using Exclusive Non Woven Standard: Delete the old finish and grind. This brand of glue is used any type of canvas. If you strictly follow the instructions, then the joints of the sheets will be invisible, and after the wallpaper has dried, all kinds of deformations will be absent.

2. Metilan.

Glue is universal, because with its help the wallpaper is kept not only on the surface of lime and concrete, but also on traffic, as well as on gypsum -coaling coatings. Before applying methylane, it is necessary to carefully prepare the walls, because bubbles may occur in places of irregularities or drops. Be careful when preparing the solution. With an improper ratio of water and glue, it can dry on the walls to the wallpaper sticker. The price is approximately 150-180 rubles.

3. Quelyd Special-flizelin.

The composition contains antifungal and antiseptic components that contribute to the lack of mold and fungus on the surfaces of the walls. When preparing places for applying glue, it is necessary to get rid of the old whitewash, rinse with a special solution with the addition of soap and primed. If everything is done correctly, you can avoid problems with gluing. Quelyd Special Flizelin has a sliding ability, thanks to which the canvases are easily joined. Also, when using it, there are no spots or unevenness. The price is from 120 to 130 rubles.

4. Pufas.

This brand has a whole line of adhesives for all varieties of non -woven wallpaper. They differ in components, but they all have good adhesion, become transparent during drying and do not require complicated surfaces. During gluing, the wallpaper quickly grasps and delights perfectly. The price depending on the type of glue of this brand ranges from 140 to 210 rubles.

Always pay attention to the instructions. It indicates for which type of wallpaper is intended, the ratio of water and glue in the solution and the correct way to apply to the walls.

Necessary tools for work

The main tool for non -woven wallpaper, during gluing, will be a special roller (has a long pile). In addition to him, you will need:

  • building level (it is better to choose laser);
  • roulette 6 meters long;
  • plastic spatula with an elastic edge (to improve wallpaper rolling);
  • brush for smoothing glued paintings;
  • stationery knife;
  • glue tray (preferably with a special department for removing excess glue on the roller);
  • foam sponge;
  • simple pencil.

Preparatory work

As in the gluing of any wallpaper, first of all, we clean the walls of the old finish. We remove defects, such as irregularities and changes, eliminate dirt. If the paint was present on the walls, it is advisable to remove it. This is easy to do with sandpaper. Next, apply a primer.

The edges of the non -woven wallpaper are even and high -quality, this provides the ability to glue back. At the same time, visually the joints between non -woven wallpaper seem invisible.

Now we start marking the room. Its goal is to help glue the canvases evenly. To do this, take the level and, starting from the corner of the room, we draw vertical lines through each meter.

The next step must be convinced of the same walls of the walls. If everything is in order, you can start cutting wallpaper blankets. Pay attention to the ornament so that when installing the wallpaper it is preserved. Do not forget to knead the glue.

Step -by -step instructions for gluing non -woven wallpaper

1. We get acquainted with the production instruction, since it may be attached to specific notes to gluing wallpaper.

2. We smear the part of the wall on which we will glue the 1st blank with glue (all subsequent work depends on its quality).

3. Gently, strictly, glue the first canvas along the pointed line. We take the edge of the sheet and press it to the surface of the wall. After gradually lower the canvas down. We carry out a special spatula from the middle to the edges, so that the sheet is better to hold out with the wall. Excess glue must be kept to the side where there are still no wallpaper.

4. We cut off the extra pieces of paintings from the bottom and near the ceiling, this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the glued sheet. For evenness, do not tear off the knife, but move the spatula.

5. If traces of glue remain on the ceiling, rinse thoroughly with a sponge (do not be afraid to wet the wallpaper), especially pay attention to the corner seams. After drying, some glue stamps become transparent, but this does not free from cleaning. Places where you did not get rid of glue will shine unpleasantly.

6. Each subsequent canvas we glue in the end. This type of wallpaper does not compress after drying, so they should not be afraid for the possibility of gaps.

7. We iron the wallpaper with a brush for better smoothing the wallpaper.

8. When gluing the corners, the surface is abundantly smeared with glue. The sheets in this case are overlapping (up to 2 cm), therefore it is forbidden to use a whole canvas in this case. In this case, the wallpaper may wrinkle or skew, which will significantly affect the repair.

As you can see, the installation technology of non -woven wallpaper is not at all difficult.

Varieties of decorative coating

In addition to ordinary painting, it is possible to decorate non -woven wallpaper in the following ways:

  • before gluing sheets, paint them latex paint on the back. After such a decor is finished, the wallpaper will change their color, and the embossed pattern will stand out even better;
  • you can also apply paint on the walls, after drying. Then you will receive a delicate shade, due to a small transmission;
  • in order for the relief to stand out more, the following can be done: with the help of a rubber roller, we practically touching the sheets, we apply the paint. Thus, the paint will not fill the recesses, but will only be on the bulges;
  • you can standardly paint the wallpaper, and then, as in the third way, to paint the relief in another color.

Tricks in working with non -woven wallpaper

Professional builders and repairmen know some tricks to facilitate work and prevent errors:

  • to make blanks of paintings for the entire room, roll the roll in order, from the wrong side;
  • in order for the edges to grip better, smear the area with glue more than the width of the sheets;
  • using wallpaper that have a deep texture, use a special roller when smoothing. Do not press hard for them;
  • when choosing wallpaper, pay attention to the drawing of the rolls and the number of their batch;
  • after gluing the canvas, check the walls for the lack of bloating or folds;
  • when choosing glue, if there is no Russian translation on the package, it is better to refuse to buy it.

After reading this article, all experiences about how to install non -woven wallpaper, how to choose them will go away. Follow all the recommendations described, and your repair will be smooth, and the interior will pleasantly delight your eyes. For an even better effect, we advise you to see how to properly glue non -woven wallpaper, the video is at the end of the article.





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