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Gate insulation: step -by -step instructions

The car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation, this winged phrase from the famous work of Ilf and Petrov became a household. After all, today no day in our life is complete without a car. But in order for him to serve faithfully, it is also necessary to properly take care and protect. He needs his house. And a warm house. Let's talk about the insulation of the garage gate.


  1. Why a garage is needed
  2. The choice of garage gate insulation
  3. Preparation of garage gates for insulation
  4. Gate insulation with various materials  video  video
  5. Additional measures to ensure thermal insulation of the garage  video

Why a garage is needed

The direct function of the structure to save the owner of the owner from the theft, hooligan outputs and various atmospheric phenomena in the form of rain, hurricane, snow or hail.

For many motorists, the garage is also not just a place to store their iron horse, but also their own small hundred, a workshop, sometimes a cellar or warehouse.

It should be remembered that according to SNiP 21-02-99, car parking for long and proper storage of the car The necessary air temperature in the garage room should be at least +5C. To maintain the desired temperature in the garage, mount the heating and ventilation system.

The choice of garage gate insulation

Optimal for installation are sectional insulated gates. They will help to avoid many problems related to gate insulation. They also open upward, which will help to avoid problems with opening the gate after snowfall, do not require a radius of opening the gate and fixing the wings after opening. After all, a gust of wind can move the sash and damage the car.

But if the replacement of the swing gates is not included in your plans, then they must be insulated. Indeed, in this case, the metal serves as an excellent conductor of cold and collecting condensate.

For insulation of the gate, various thermal insulation materials can be used.

Stone cotton wool The heat -insulator based on the basalt fiber. Non -combed mother. It has high thermal insulation properties, which allows you to minimize the heat loss of the building. A vapor permeable material, using hydrophobisators, does not absorb moisture, not toxic. But when working with it, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment: gloves, respirator, dense clothing, since cotton fibers have a size at the level of several micrometers, falling on the skin cause itching and burning, and, falling into the respiratory tract, cause the reaction of the mucous membranes.

Foamed polyethylene, another synthetic winterizer, common material for the heat -insulation device and as a filler for upholstered furniture. Based on polyethylene, foamed self -adhesive material isolon is released. From can also have one foil side for better thermal insulation.

Foam polystyrene A variety of foam. It is very popular among developers. It has excellent thermal insulation, is not hygroscopic, it supports burning very well. In itself, it is not toxic, but when heated to 70-80C, it begins to isolate a very toxic gas styrene. Therefore, if the doors of your garage look in the south, use polystyrene as insulation is not recommended.

It also dissolves well in acetone and other chlorinated hydrocarbons.

Poliuretan foam Sprayed light and durable material. It has a very low thermal conductivity coefficient. Not toxic, but fuel. The possibility of using this material is independent. It is necessary for its spraying a special installation that mix the components of the material during spraying.

Preparation of garage gates for insulation

Before starting work on warming the gate, it is necessary to ensure high -quality surface preparation.

Inspect the gate for damage to LKM, dirt, rust and oil spots. If there are metal defects on the gates themselves, they must be removed. You also need to clean the structure of dirt and rust with a brush with a metal pile. Additionally, treat the surfaces with a rust converter, cover with a primer. The events will protect your gates from further corrosion, extending the lines of their service.

Check the gaps between the gate frame and the opening. If there are such, provide for the possibility of installing a rubber seal. Check the mechanisms of constipation. Adjust and, if necessary, grease the locks.

The insulation must be closed from mechanical damage. To fix the finishing of the gate, it is necessary to install an additional wooden crate on the gate.

Gate insulation with various materials

Warming with a stone cotton wool. Most of the structures of swing garage gates are made from a corner with a shelf of 50 mm. This size of the shelf is enough to insert the insulation. The stone cotton wool must be covered with a vapor barrier film, otherwise the average daily temperature difference will lead to condensation in the insulation, and, as a result, it gets wet. From the side of the garage, mineral wool must be protected. To do this, you can use siding, OSB plate, wooden lining.

Insulation with foamed polyethylene (isolon). The use of self -adhesive material will greatly simplify the gate insulation. Self -adhesive material is produced with a thickness of 2mm to 10mm. Izolon can be covered with aluminum foil on the one hand, which will provide the coefficient of thermal reflection at 97%. No additional covering of the material is required. Although the material is easy to damage.

Warming with polyurethane foam. One of the most progressive methods of insulation, but at the same time one of the most expensive. The main feature of the insulation is its application in liquid form. After foaming, it increases in volume to 20 times, filling all the cracks and voids, forming perfect tightness. It has excellent sound insulation. PPU with closed pores (specific density from 40 kg/m3) plays the role of vapor barrier. Good adhesion at the level of 2kg/cm2 to any materials and does not require installation of additional mounts.

Insulation with polystyrene foam The most common way of warming garage swing gates. The low cost of the material, its excellent thermal insulation properties contributed to its wide distribution.

The budget option is considered to glue the sheets of polystyrene foam to the metal plates using mounting foam. The seams between the sheets must also be sealed with foam.

Most of the frames of the gate used small scarves to increase stiffness. Foam for these scarves must be cut into a lower thickness. If you have mistaken when cutting, the formed cracks must be filled with foam.

When working with extruded polystyrene foam, which has increased rigidity, the external finish can not be carried out. It is enough to glue the joints of the aluminum self -adhesive foil.

But it is worth remembering that the use of polystyrene foam on the gates that look in the south direction is not desirable. When direct sunlight on the metal hits, it quickly heats up. Penalisterol already at a temperature of +75-80 ° C begins to decompose, highlighting the styrene.

Additional measures to ensure thermal insulation of the garage

Since the swing gates have a very large opening area, it is necessary to reduce this area. An ideal option is the equipment of a small gate in the gate plane.

All knots of adjacent to the frame are compacted with thresholds or rubber gaskets. Create an additional air gap between the gates and the main room of the garage. Such a layer with a thickness of 200-400mm can be created by hanging a dense fabric or tarpaulin curtain on the wall of the garage from the inside.





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